Glasgow - Meeting the Costs of Equal Pay (24/08/18)

I have been writing on this blog for months about the obvious way for Glasgow City Council to meet the costs of equal pay - by seeking additional and exceptional borrowing powers from the Scottish Government.

Now, all of a sudden, other people are saying the same thing - that this is not a challenge Glasgow can meet on its own, out of its own limited resources, and that there is indeed an important role for the Scottish Government to play in helping to find a solution to this long-running and damaging dispute.

Here are some previous posts from the blog site archive which explain how this might be done and although the costs involved in Glasgow are far greater, because the City Council has allowed this to drag on for 12 years (and counting), the basic principle is exactly the same.

So let's hear what Glasgow's politicians - Councillors, MSPs and MPs have to say - as it's now clear that I have been proved right in what I've been saying all along. 


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