Won't Get Fooled Again (04/10/16)

'Won't Get Fooled Again' seems to be the central message of this interesting piece in The Independent from a young man who is experiencing terrible buyer's remorse after voting for Jeremy Corbyn in the 2015 Labour leadership election.

For me this is the killer paragraph, but read the full piece via the link below and decide for yourself:

"And before anyone says it, the media cannot be blamed for Corbyn’s failings. Whatever you might say about the bias of certain media establishments against him, for too long now it has been a smokescreen to hide his inadequacies. You cannot blame the media for his inability to hold the government to task. The media did not prevent him from mentioning Iain Duncan Smith’s resignation in Parliament. The media did not tell him to go on holiday during the EU Referendum campaign. The media did not tell him to repeatedly ignore his MPs and form and impenetrable, masculine inner circle of dodgy characters. You can only blame Corbyn’s incompetence as a leader on Corbyn."



I'm an ex-Corbynite, and I feel incredibly stupid about how carried away I was by this incompetent man

Corbyn's leadership has been a train crash on a busy Virgin East Coast line with very few empty seats. Voting for Jeremy was a mistake – but we all make them. His cult of personality has become scary

By Tom Manson - The Independent

Last year I voted for Jeremy Corbyn to become leader of the Labour Party. His ideas, his anti-austerity politics and his untypical approach to politics instilled in me a sense of hope and excitement. I was a 21-year-old member of the Labour Party, I had just finished an undergraduate course at university and I was reeling from a catastrophic general election. I was fed up with the hopeless, mealy-mouthed political debates we were having and Corbyn seemed to offer the antidote. I, like many others, was inveigled by the sense of optimism he projected, coaxed into thinking he would be the inclusive, strong, passionate leader he purported to be.

Wow, was I wrong.

It is not easy to refine a description of just how disastrous Jeremy Corbyn’s time as Labour leader has been. He has, to all extents and purposes, been a train crash on a busy Virgin East Coast line with very few empty seats. Looking back, the journey of my gradual disenchantment with him has been a painful process, commencing almost immediately after his victory took place.

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