Labour Own Goal

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For five long years during the 2010-2015 Westminster Parliament, Ed Miliband spent much of his time telling voters that the last Labour Government was not responsible for almost wrecking the UK economy, following a near fatal collapse of the banks. 

Yet the new Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, launched an unexpected attack on his own side the other day, in a speech to the British Chambers of Commerce, which was less about economic or fiscal policy and more to do with settling old scores inside the warring Labour Party.

Here's an extract of what Jezza told British business leaders: 

"But it wasn’t government that was the problem in 2007 and 2008, when the banking sector nearly drove the entire economy to the point of collapse.

“The New Labour approach was to opt for ‘light touch regulation’ of finance – and then sit back and collect the tax revenues."

Now according to Jeremy government wasn't the problem, just government policy under the then Labour Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, who had of course been Chancellor of the Exchequer for 10 consecutive years between 1997 and 2007.

No doubt the Conservatives will be rubbing their hands with glee at the sight of the Labour Party rubbishing its own record in government.

Who knows, Gordon Brown may come out fighting defend his 10 years spent as Labour 'Iron Chancellor' even though his old attack dog, Damian McBride has joined Team Corbyn as a special adviser.  

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