Me, Vexatious? (22/08/13)

Here are two previous posts to the blog site which poke fun at South Lanarkshire's  original claim that my freedom of information request - to the council was 'vexatious'.

Now I'm pretty sure my request for information on the pay scales applied to traditional male jobs was inconvenient for the council - because it would prefer to keep these details secret. 

But to my mind South Lanarkshire's claim that my request was 'vexatious' was then  (and is now) a load of old baloney - a deliberate, cynical abuse of the FOI process.

If the people responsible for this farce at the Council had any integrity - they would apologise now for their disgraceful behaviour.

Me, Vexatious? (19 March 2011)

I allowed myself a wry smile while reading the decision of the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) - regarding South Lanarkshire Council.

See post dated 18 March 2011 - Colonel Gaddafi in Disguise.

The reason being at Paragraph 3 the SIC decision records South Lanarkshire's response to my FOI requests - which the council had the bare faced cheek to describe as 'vexatious'.

Now vexatious has a specific meaning in this context - it suggested that my FOI request had absolutely no merit - and was being pursued solely to harass and annoy the council.

Me, vexatious?

Well clearly that was a load of old baloney - like a lot of things South Lanarkshire says - a cynical delaying tactic that was given short shrift by the Scottish Information Commissioner - who went on to uphold my appeal.

Nothing that South Lanarkshire does these days surprises me - the council is desperate to prevent the truth emerging about its behaviour - which is why it resorts to such tactics.

If you would like a copy of the Scottish Information Commissioner's decision - drop me a note at:

Colonel Gaddafi in Disguise (18 March 2011)

Good news!

The Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) has upheld my appeal - over South Lanarkshire Council's refusal to publish pay information - regarding the earnings of traditional male jobs.

Now this has been a long and winding road - with South Lanarkshire fighting every step of the way to keep this information under wraps.

And yes this is the same South Lanarkshire Council - which had the following proud boast on the council's web site:

"Freedom of Information legislation is designed to ensure openness and accountability. This means that wherever possible, we will make the information you request available to you."

I say if that's an accurate reflection of South Lanarkshire's approach to Freedom of Information - then I'm really Colonel Gaddafi in disguise.

I will have more to say about the Information Commissioner's decision - in the days ahead.

In the meantime, if you would like a copy, please drop me a note at:

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