North Lanarkshire Update

Here's a great letter to the new leader of Labour-run North Lanarkshire Council, Councillor Jim Logue, from one of the many Home Carers still fighting for equal pay. 

"Hi Mr Logue,

I am a home support worker for  NLC and have worked in the job for 15 years. I am working along side colleagues Male and Female Who have all received  their Equal Pay Claim  nearly ten months ago. I am being represented by my Union GMB  and I think it is totally unfair and demoralising  to myself and other GMB colleagues that We  have not received  our Equal Pay. We do the same job , work long hours and yet we are being descriminated by our employers over our equal pay. I write to ask you for  your help 

And support in resolving our Claims. We need your Support just now just like you need our votes in election  time.

Kind regards 

"A Home Carer"

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