Glasgow Rickshaw Guy

A year on from Scotland's independence referendum I thought I'd re-publish some of my favourite posts from the campaign - starting with the Glasgow Rickshaw Guy.

Glasgow Rickshaw Guy ((14/09/14)

It must have seems like a good idea at the time, but this parade of Labour 'men in suits' came badly unstuck when some chap in a rickshaw followed them around the streets of Glasgow playing Darth Vader's favourite tune.

As these tribunes from the once all powerful People's Party tried to make their way to an assembly point at the top of Buchanan Street.

I was struck by the fact that no one seemed able or willing to engage with their 'tormentor' who suggested that they had all travelled north from Westminster using their generous MPs' expenses.

For some reason, the 'suits' all seemed to have lost their sparkle and sense of humour - an essential commodity when it comes to the pursuit of politics in Glasgow.   

Darth Vader says No!  

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