Supermarket Sweep

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John Rentoul's regular column for The Independent contained this gem about the views of focus groups when asked which high street supermarket the various party leaders would be: Aldi, the Co-op, Waitrose, Sainsbury or Lidl.   

And I have to say the groups had Ed Miliband 'taped' as someone who would shop at the upmarket Waitrose (just like the Tory leader David Cameron), but would then use a Lidl shopping bag to cover his tracks. 

By JOHN RENTOUL - The Independent

‘Ed Miliband goes to Waitrose with his Lidl bag-for-life’, say focus groups

2. Four opinion polls published yesterday. The five-day average, which is published on The Independent website, is hardly changed, showing a Labour lead of 0.3 points.

As well as his national poll, Michael Ashcroft publishes the summaries of focus groups. This week the groups were asked about the row over HSBC and tax avoidance:

“For our groups, the ongoing rows about HSBC, tax avoidance and political donors had melded into a single shapeless story (‘there was the guy with the Swiss bank account who hadn’t paid tax for twenty years but they didn’t prosecute. Wasn’t it the Boots man?’). They had not found any of it very edifying but neither was it very surprising, and our participants did not think of it as a party political question, let alone a decisive election issue: ‘There are so many ways of dodging tax – invest in a film, buy a forest, it’s been going on for decades. You go to your accountant and say “I don’t want to pay any tax” and he’ll come back and say “OK, invest in this and this.” Did Labour really change it in the thirteen years they were in government?’”

The groups were also asked which supermarket the party leaders would be:

“Nigel Farage would be Aldi: ‘You know what you’re getting. Down to earth. Anyone can shop there.’ Nick Clegg would be the Co-op, with ‘all its nice fair trade values’ (if this sounds like a compliment, the tone of voice suggested it was not intended as one). David Cameron would inevitably be Waitrose, but ‘pretending to be Sainsbury’s’. Ed Miliband, by the same token, would ‘go to Waitrose but with his Lidl bag-for-life to carry round afterwards’.”

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