Poetry Corner

Image result for demis roussos + images

I enjoyed this contribution in Private Eye to mark the passing of the Greek singer Demis Roussos who was a 'big cheese' back in the 1970s and, somewhat incredibly,a sex symbol who enjoyed a hit single with 'Forever and Ever' which he sang in a high pitched, falsetto voice.

I'd find a version of the song for the blog which is like a poor man's version of the Bee Gees, but trust me dear readers it's truly awful.

Poetry Corner

In Memoriam
Demis Roussos

So, Farewell
Then Demis Roussos,
Bearded Seventies

You sang in a falsetto
And in a kaftan.
You were also very fat
And then very thin.

Forever and ever,
Yes, that was
Your hit song.

Sadly, it turns out
You weren't.

Interestingly, you died 
Just as the Greek 
Election results were

Now that's what I call
A Grexit.

E.J. Thribb (17 and a half tonnes)

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