Scam E-Mails

I received a rude e-mail the other day which I found rather odd - because it purported to be from someone who has contacted me before - about Action 4 Equality Scotland and equal pay.

So I thought to myself - 'This is very out of character, maybe I should share it with the person concerned and find out if it is genuine?'

And sure enough it was a fraud - completely made up - as it turned out.

The alleged sender of the e-mail was mortified at the thought of someone being able to send rude and offensive e-mails - in her name.

So she is now taking active steps to check how some stranger/weirdo - could have  accessed her password and e-mail account - without her knowledge.

There seems to be a lot of this horrible behaviour about these days - just the other day I came across a random Twitter post from someone who was being extremely rude about what he called 'action4equality'.

Not Action 4 Equality Scotland - or Mark Irvine or Stefan Cross - and this person, very conveniently didn't provide a contact e-mail address or phone number.

Which made me think immediately that their 'alleged' grievance was not in the least genuine - and that they harboured some kind of strange grudge.

I suppose the moral of the story is keep your e-mail and other passwords strictly to yourself - change them regularly - and don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Unless of course - you are sure that you are dealing with a trusted and reliable source. 

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