Self-ID, Scottish Education and the SNP

Susan Dalgety's column for The Scotsman highlights the damaging impact transgender zealotry is having on Scottish education with the revelation that primary aged children are being encouraged to believe they can can change sex.

Standing in a queue for a kids’ show about science recently, my 12-year-old grandson announced, with his tongue firmly in his cheek, that he could have a baby if he wished. “Nonsense,” I said firmly. “Only females can do that.” 

His cousin, days from entering her final year at primary school, looked up from her bag of sweets and said firmly, “No, granny you’re wrong, if he was trans he could have a baby.”

To add insult to injury this baloney about self-ID baloney is being promoted by SNP ministers who are funnelling huge sums of public money to trans campaigners - while telling us that the Scottish Government is skint! 


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