Self-ID and Cloud Cuckoo Land

Anyone who believes that men can self-identify and magically declare they are women is living in cloud cuckoo land including the Council of Europe Assembly! 

Self-ID is anti-women - an absurd  denial of reality, science and observable truth - which is akin to arguing the earth is flat not round or the moon is made of green cheese. 

 The Council of Europe Assembly says of the use of the words 'gender ideology':-
"The Assembly condemns the highly prejudicial anti-gender, gender-critical and anti-trans narratives which reduce the fight for the equality of LGBTI people to what these movements deliberately
mischaracterise as 'gender ideology' or
'LGBTI ideology. Such narratives deny the very existence of LGBTI people, dehumanise them, and often falsely portray their rights as being in conflict with women's and children's rights, or societal and family values in general. All of these are deeply damaging to LGBTI people, while also harming women's and children's rights and social cohesion."

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