Using Women Prisoners As 'Lab-Rats'

Alex Massie lays bare the shocking extent of Scotland's trans prisoner fiasco which is the result of political corruption, the SNP's gang mentality and lack of independent thinking at the heart of government.  

"No one will take responsibility for this because accountability would have to begin at the very top of the Scottish government. This is the first minister’s fiasco. There is no one else to blame." 

"How did we get here? In part, because the government contracted out its own responsibilities. Prisons were a gateway. According to James Morton of the Scottish Trans Alliance: 

“We strategised that by working intensively with the Scottish Prison Service to support them to include women as women on a self-declaration basis within very challenging circumstances, we would be able to ensure that all other public services should be able to do likewise”. 

"I imagine he may regret writing that now; I hope he regrets using women prisoners as lab-rats."

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