Coming Soon...........

So after 10 long weeks my complaint to the First Minister finally received a response.

As regular readers know, I wrote to Nicola Sturgeon back in November 2022 raising a complaint about Patrick Harvie's behaviour under Scotland's ministerial code.

I'll share the FM's response later today or tomorrow.

Who knows whether readers will be as unimpressed as me, but at least you will have the opportunity to decide for yourselves.

My original letter of complaint dated 15 November 2022 is posted below.

Scotland's Ministerial Code (Week 10) - Just Sayin'! (January 24, 2023)

Good luck to Sir Laurie Magnus who has been given the job of investigating claims that Nadhim Zahawi broke the ministerial code - at Westminster.

I hope he comes up with the right answers without fear or favour.

Meanwhile, in Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon (aka 'a supporter of open government' and 'champion of democracy') acts as judge and jury over any claims that her ministers may have broken the ministerial code.

"The Independent Adviser on Ministers’ Interests is appointed by the Prime Minister to advise him on matters relating to the Ministerial Code. The post holder is independent of government and expected to provide impartial advice to the Prime Minister."

Just sayin'!


Scotland, Democracy and Hypocrisy Week 9 (January 17, 2023)

I have written a chase-up/reminder letter to Nicola Sturgeon regarding Patrick Harvie and Scotland's ministerial code.

Beats me how the SNP and Greens have the brass neck to bang on about 'democracy'  when a Scottish government minister is behaving in such an anti-democratic way.

Dear First Minister

Ministerial Code - Patrick Harvie

I refer to my letter dated November 15 2022 regarding Patrick Harvie and Scotland's ministerial code.

I would be grateful if you can respond to the points raised in my letter because, as things stand, Patrick Harvie is refusing to meet with me, as one of his local constituents, for attending a rally in support of women's rights at the Scottish Parliament on 06 October 2022.

I fail to see how you can lecture anyone else about democracy when one of your ministers is being allowed to punish or 'cancel' a constituent for holding perfectly reasonable views on women's rights to single sex spaces which are, as you know, protected under the law.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Mark Irvine <>
To: Nicola Sturgeon <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2022 at 08:16:03 AM GMT
Subject: Ministerial Code - Patrick Harvie

Dear First Minister

Ministerial Code - Patrick Harvie

I wish to make a formal complaint against Patrick Harvie, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights and a list MSP for the Glasgow region. 

I asked to meet with Patrick Harvie to discuss ongoing issues regarding gender recognition reform, but in a letter dated 24 October Mr Harvie abruptly announced that he was not prepared to meet or engage with me as a result of my attendance at a women's rights demonstration at the Scottish Parliament on 06 October 2002.

In my view, Mr Harvie's refusal to meet with me because of my support for a women's rights rally is outrageous, discriminatory and anti-democratic. 

Mr Harvie is effectively trying to ban, cancel and punish me for holding views which are admittedly different to his own, but are perfectly reasonable and legitimate as well as being protected under the law.

I believe Mr Harvie's behaviour is totally unacceptable coming from a Scottish Government Minister and an MSP who is bound by the Nolan principles on public life and Scotland's Ministerial Code:

"1.1. Scottish Ministers are expected to maintain high standards of behaviour and to behave in a way that upholds the highest standards of propriety.

"Ministerial Conduct

"1.2. Ministers should be professional in all their dealings and treat all those with whom they come into contact with consideration and respect. Working relationships, including with civil servants, Ministerial and Parliamentary colleagues and Parliamentary staff should be proper and appropriate. Harassing, bullying or other inappropriate or discriminating behaviour, wherever it takes place, is not consistent with the Ministerial Code and will not be tolerated.

"1.3. The Ministerial Code should be read against the background of the overarching duty on Ministers to comply with the law, including international law and treaty obligations, and to uphold the administration of justice and to protect the integrity of public life. They are expected to observe the Seven Principles of Public Life (set out in the Annex to this Code) and the following principles of Ministerial conduct:"

As you know Scottish Ministers are accountable for their personal conduct as well as their ministerial performance which is why previous government ministers including Derek Mackay and Mark McDonald, for example, were sacked or forced to resign. 

Henry McLeish and Wendy Alexander both resigned from previous Labour/Lib Dem administrations, as I am sure you recall given your twenty three years membership of the Scottish Parliament.

I did not ask Mr Harvie to take up my 'case' or represent me in any way - all I asked was for the opportunity, as a Glasgow constituent, to meet with one of Glasgow's lawmakers to discuss a highly topical issue in a civil fashion.

I have asked Mr Harvie to apologise for his ignorant, arrogant behaviour and enclose a chain of emails explaining the background to this affair.

I invite you to uphold my complaint and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine


Scotland's Democracy Isn't Working 8 (January 11, 2023)

Looks like I'll have to send a chase-up letter to the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, because it's now Week 8 and there's still no response to my complaint against Patrick Harvie under the ministerial code.

Beggars belief to me that politicians bang on about being 'champions of democracy' yet they treat fellow citizens with such disdain and disrespect when it suits their purpose.


Scotland's Democracy Isn't Working 7 (January 04, 2023)

 Week 7 - there's something rotten at the heart of our government when Scottish ministers feel able to treat citizens raising serious issues with contempt and disdain.

I'd like to hear for myself how Patrick Harvie justifies  support for gender ideology and his view that men are able to transform themselves into women by the power of their own minds.

I think that's a reasonable question to ask of an elected public representative, yet Harvie refuses to meet with me because I attended a rally in support of women's rights at the Scottish Parliament back in October 2022.

Seven weeks on and Nicola Sturgeon refuses to say whether this ugly 'cancel culture' behaviour is acceptable under her government and Scotland's ministerial code.   

Scotland's Democracy Isn't Working (December 28, 2022)

Six weeks have now passed since I submitted my complaint against Patrick Harvie under Scotland's ministerial code - see previous posts below.

The First Minister has yet to acknowledge never mind respond to my complaint, despite the small army of civil servants and advisers at her beck and call. 

In my view it's outrageous that a highly paid minister should be able to cancel, ban or otherwise punish a local constituent for attending a rally in support of women's rights at the Scottish Parliament.

Politicians are supposed to be accountable and I am still interested to hear for myself why Patrick Harvie believes that a man can literally transform himself into a woman - via a thought process inside his own head.

To my mind the policy of self-ID is anti-science, anti-reason and anti-women - which requires rational, intelligent people to suspend their powers of disbelief as if signing up to a religious doctrine.   

Because if a man change his sex in this way, surely he can also do the same when it comes to his age or racial group?

Scotland's Democracy Isn't Working (December 21, 2022)

Scotland's democracy isn't working if leading politicians are able to cancel, ban and punish local constituents for holding perfectly reasonable views which differ to their own.

Democracy Is About Much More Than IndyRef2! (December 20, 2022)


Scotland's First Minister has a small army of officials at her beck and call, yet five weeks have now passed since I submitted my complaint against Patrick Harvie under Scotland's ministerial code.

Mr Harvie refused to meet with me, as one of hi Glasgow constituents, because I attended a rally at the Scottish Parliament in support of women's rights.

But I say politicians banning, cancelling or punishing people for holding perfectly legitimate views is anti-democratic, illiberal and discriminatory - and against everything the Scottish Parliament is supposed to stand for.

Scottish Democracy and Scotland's Ministerial Code (November 29, 2022)

It's been two weeks since I submitted my complaint against Patrick Harvie under Scotland's ministerial code.

No response yet from the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon.

Cancel Culture vs Scotland's Ministerial Code (November 17, 2022)

I have raised a formal complaint against Patrick Harvie under Scotland's ministerial code - the process requires my complaint to be considered by the First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon who brought Mr Harvie into the Scottish Government.

Dear First Minister

Ministerial Code - Patrick Harvie

I wish to make a formal complaint against Patrick Harvie, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights and a list MSP for the Glasgow region. 

I asked to meet with Patrick Harvie to discuss ongoing issues regarding gender recognition reform, but in a letter dated 24 October Mr Harvie abruptly announced that he was not prepared to meet or engage with me as a result of my attendance at a women's rights demonstration at the Scottish Parliament on 06 October 2022.

In my view, Mr Harvie's refusal to meet with me because of my support for a women's rights rally is outrageous, discriminatory and anti-democratic. 

Mr Harvie is effectively trying to ban, cancel and punish me for holding views which are admittedly different to his own, but are perfectly reasonable and legitimate as well as being protected under the law.

I believe Mr Harvie's behaviour is totally unacceptable coming from a Scottish Government Minister and an MSP who is bound by the Nolan principles on public life and Scotland's Ministerial Code:

"1.1. Scottish Ministers are expected to maintain high standards of behaviour and to behave in a way that upholds the highest standards of propriety.

"Ministerial Conduct

"1.2. Ministers should be professional in all their dealings and treat all those with whom they come into contact with consideration and respect. Working relationships, including with civil servants, Ministerial and Parliamentary colleagues and Parliamentary staff should be proper and appropriate. Harassing, bullying or other inappropriate or discriminating behaviour, wherever it takes place, is not consistent with the Ministerial Code and will not be tolerated.

"1.3. The Ministerial Code should be read against the background of the overarching duty on Ministers to comply with the law, including international law and treaty obligations, and to uphold the administration of justice and to protect the integrity of public life. They are expected to observe the Seven Principles of Public Life (set out in the Annex to this Code) and the following principles of Ministerial conduct:"

As you know Scottish Ministers are accountable for their personal conduct as well as their ministerial performance which is why previous government ministers including Derek Mackay and Mark McDonald, for example, were sacked or forced to resign. 

Henry McLeish and Wendy Alexander both resigned from previous Labour/Lib Dem administrations, as I am sure you recall given your twenty three years membership of the Scottish Parliament.

I did not ask Mr Harvie to take up my 'case' or represent me in any way - all I asked was for the opportunity, as a Glasgow constituent, to meet with one of Glasgow's lawmakers to discuss a highly topical issue in a civil fashion.

I have asked Mr Harvie to apologise for his ignorant, arrogant behaviour and enclose a chain of emails explaining the background to this affair.

I invite you to uphold my complaint and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Mark Irvine

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