The Grooming Of Holyrood

There's a lot to unpack and take in from this post by Wings Over Scotland.

The case for the SNP being 'contaminated by misogyny' is powerfully made and painstakingly researched, but the most shocking photo (so far) is this one of a notorious trans activist and Green MSP Maggie Chapman.

I'm sure there's lots more to come in the days ahead. 

Government, Gangs and Grooming (January 23, 2023)

Wings Over Scotland was once the darling of the SNP, but is now one of the party's fiercest critics - and rightly so on the subject of self-ID and gender ideology,

In this painstakingly researched article Stuart Campbell argues that Holyrood has been effectively 'groomed' by misogynistic trans activists who are feted and applauded by senior SNP and other politicians - including Scottish Government ministers.

The Grooming Of Holyrood

Posted on January 23, 2023 by 

It’s been hard to avoid the puffy, perpetually-smirking face of Edinburgh transactivist Beth Douglas, the co-convener of the Rainbow Greens, recently. He’s been all over the media, from Glasgow Live and Edinburgh Live to The National (print and podcast) to Penis News to various national TV bulletins, and interviewed by Owen Jones.

Last week he was prominent in a protest outside Queen Elizabeth House against the UK government’s S35 intervention over the Gender Recognition Reform Bill. He spoke alongside MSPs including Patrick HarvieKaren Adam, Ross Greer, Paul Sweeney and Alex Cole-Hamilton, who lavished fulsome and effusive praise on him, going so far as to say that it was for Douglas personally that MSPs had pushed the bill through.

But Douglas wasn’t always called Beth.

In July 2014, a fresh-faced and amiable-seeming young man called Jack Douglas became President of the Students Association at the University Of The West Of Scotland in Paisley. His election campaign had made no mention of gender issues, or even of wider LGBT issues.

He held office for two years, during which time no events of any particular significance seem to have occurred as far as we can tell, other than him getting a bit chubbier and growing a rather manly beard as seen in this video from November 2015.

But then something happened.

Because by the middle of 2017 Douglas had become “Bee”, a prostitute with “natural perky tits”, a “7 inch surprise in my underwear” and a very major problem with women.

As “Beth”, Douglas had become involved in radical queer politics. By September he was the co-convener of a militant organisation called Trans Pride Scotland.

He was also involved with a Facebook group called Anti-Capitalist Queers – Pride 5 Solidarity (ACQ). In January 2018 some members of the group, including Douglas, aggressively disrupted a feminist meeting called “We Need To Talk About The GRA” in Glasgow. The streamed internet video of the incident is unfortunately extremely corrupted due to technical issues:

But Douglas can be clearly identified through the distortion 55 seconds in.

His appearance on the night in question can be unmistakeably matched with pictures of the protest group with their banner outside the venue:

Douglas had become aggressive during the protest and another member of ACQ had had to intervene to separate him from some of the women and calm things down. Such behaviour was very much in character with his new persona, because he’d become a strong advocate of violence.

In August 2017 he was arrested over violence at a Pride march in Glasgow.

Also arrested with Douglas was Jess Bradley (born Joshua Harry), a Trans Officer from the National Union of Students and the author of a Huffington Post article entitled “There’s No Such Thing As A ‘Real Woman'”.

Bradley was also director of an Edinburgh group called Action for Trans Health (ATH), which the alertest of Wings readers may recall issued an infamous “manifesto” of outlandish demands in June 2017.

In December 2018, after a string of scandals involving pornography and allegations of indecent exposure, Bradley was accused of a series of sexual assaults by people both within and outside ATH, which he managed to suppress by hiring the famous London firm of specialist libel lawyers Carter-Ruck. (The source of his financing to hire such legendarily expensive counsel remains a mystery.)

He resigned as a director of ATH in April 2019, and was suspended by the NUS two months later and never reinstated. He subsequently went into hiding and his current name, whereabouts and activities are unknown. The NUS – one of the most historically and comprehensively trans-captured institutions in the country, and a direct channel into politics – has never published the result of its investigation into his conduct.

(In 2017 the NUS had elected Douglas to a position meant to be reserved for women.)

Bradley is second from the right in this picture, in yellow, with Douglas at the far left.

It was taken at an event at Napier University in September 2017 called “Putting The TRANS In Transparency“, organised by the Scottish Trans Alliance (STA), whose then-director (now consultant) James Morton is at the far right of the image. (Ironically, the bearded Morton is the only actually female person in the photograph.)

STA is a “project” of the Equality Network (EN), a Scottish Government-funded quango set up in 1997 by a group of activists including Duncan Hothersall, who is of course someone well known to Wings readers.

(In 2017 EN and the STA had put out a joint statement protesting about the arrests of Bradley and Douglas at the Glasgow Pride event.)

The fourth person in the image, between Douglas and Bradley, is another transwoman using the name of Ellie Aradia Mulreany (sometimes “Autumn Elanna Mulreany” and believed to have been born Kris Muir), also a member of Trans Pride Scotland and another keen violence enthusiast.

Mulreany also worked for Scottish Trans Alliance and Stonewall Scotland.

In March 2019, a transwoman and performer known as Peyton Rose (born Benny Monteux), who’d been due to headline at a TPS event for Trans Day Of Visibility, had called for trans activists to “throatpunch” the feminist group For Women Scotland for handing out flyers in Edinburgh.

TPS had initially leapt to Rose’s defence, issuing a statement portraying him as the victim and his comments as both “tongue in cheek” and “self defence”.

The statement had been written by Mulreany and supported by Douglas.

The official TPS Twitter account also liked a post saying “no one is wrong for wanting to punch TERFs sometimes”.

But after an angry backlash, TPS retreated and issued a new statement saying it did “not believe in trivialising violence” and had a “zero-tolerance” policy.

Mulreany was outraged and quit the group, calling them “turncoats”.

And soon there was yet another schism and more sexual abuse allegations.

It seems hate doesn’t make you happy.

Douglas also bitterly attacked the new anti-violence stance, and called for a vote of no confidence in the TPS committee.

Also visible in the above image is a comment from another transwoman, Sukhdev Parhar. He’s a now-recovering alcoholic and drug abuser who was (and may still be) in a relationship with Douglas.

The couple fantasised about violence against women who might “misgender” them. (The hyoid is a bone in the neck often broken during strangulation or hanging.)

Parhar too was furiously outraged by TPS’s decision to renounce violence, asserting that “violence in itself, as a concept, is subjective” and that “a blanket non-violence policy is intrinsically racist”.

He also “loved” a comment on their Facebook page saying “this is your daily reminder to Punch A Transphobe In The Throat”.

But Parhar was only one of many transactivists to become romantically involved with Douglas, in a deeply insular and incestuous scene that’s rather light on external dating options. In May 2018 Douglas and a young transman called Emrys Mordin had created a fundraiser on GoFundMe ostensibly to help them become pregnant (despite them already being a biological man and a biological woman).

It told a remarkable tale which defies summarising, so we’ll let you read all of it.

(As far as we can tell, “Olli Mordin” and Emrys Mordin are in fact the same person, who has subsequently detransitioned and now lives peacefully as a lesbian, which we’re not linking to. The reference to Douglas’s supposed testicular cancer may also possibly offer a clue as to what it was that could have turned him from a seemingly nice and normal young man into what he is now. Or there could be other reasons.)

Sources have told Wings that one of the other co-parents of the prospective child in the complicated multi-partner arrangement was to be Ellie Mulreany, who had also been in a relationship with Beth Douglas in mid-2017, and was again in early 2019.

(Mulreany, incidentally, has his own fundraiser on the go at the moment, ironically for surgery to combat male pattern baldness.)

The Douglas/Mordin baby fundraiser only raised £175, and the relationship turned sour, with Mordin dubbing Douglas an “abuser” and implying that she’d been pushed into doing sex work through a lack of support.

(The Scottish Government officially classes prostitution as violence against women, but it’s fine to endorse and encourage it if you’re one of their woke young darlings.)

Mordin wasn’t the only person to level accusations of abuse at Douglas. By this time (the middle of August 2018) Anti-Capitalist Queers had dissolved itself, in the process naming Douglas as “an abuser of many people” whose activities had “tarnished” the group’s work to the point it could no longer continue.

Wings has spoken to someone connected to ACQ, who did not wish to be identified in this article but described Douglas as a “psychopathic rage-monster”. They also said that Douglas favoured sexual practices involving strangulation – echoing the remarks made by Sukhdev Parhar – and cutting partners with knives. (They did not make any allegation that these activities were non-consensual.)

Douglas certainly does appear somewhat obsessed with knives and bladed weapons.

He claims these comments and his other abuse aimed at feminists (particularly Joanna Cherry and Joan McAlpine of the SNP) are “jokes”, yet his actions and his history tell a very different story – that of someone endlessly willing to trivialise, defend and actively advocate violence, turning furiously on his own allies if they disagree.

And yet his current allies, office-holders in the Scottish Greens, line up to lionise and make excuses for him, having learned nothing from those who went before them.

(Douglas’s predecessor as co-convener of the Rainbow Greens was of course the equally abusive nappy fetishist Eilidh Martin, who has retreated from social media after being exposed by Wings but to the best of our knowledge still remains a welcome and active member of the party.)

Douglas has always liked to use his physical bulk to intimidate women in real life, not just online, and nothing has changed.

We’ve been told of similar examples to the above by other people who didn’t wish to be identified in case it led to Douglas harassing them or worse, given his oft-stated beliefs that violence against “TERFs” is not only acceptable but laudable. He’s already boasted proudly of infiltrating one feminist group in Aberdeen, reading women’s private and very personal discussions and finding out the home addresses of several.

Mirroring the rhetoric that had surrounded the Peyton Rose incident, Douglas just weeks ago presented a mob-handed intimidatory male invasion of the women’s toilets in the Scottish Parliament during the GRR debate as an act of self-defence.

We’ve left an awful lot out of this article to keep it to a manageable length, readers. But Jack/Beth Douglas is a man too toxic and abusive for radical pro-violence activists, a cheap bully who’s spent most of the last few years hanging around with sex offenders and violent criminals. He is the very lowest sort of slime, not by our assessment but by that of those who have known him most intimately. (Literally in several cases.)

And yet in a world where liking the wrong tweet can get you cancelled, and making a single mild joke about a mobile phone’s autocorrect gets you ostracised and disgraced and your career ended at a stroke, and where the representative you elected and maybe even canvassed for will block you on Twitter for the slightest hint of an awkward question, this grubby, creepy sleazeball and his sordid associates are apparently hero-worshipped by most of the Scottish Parliament. This is who they want, because you’re so very ordinary, unfashionably “cishet” and unworthy of their interest.

Look at the SNP MP (Kirsten Oswald) and MSP (Kaukab Stewart) proudly standing under a banner on Saturday calling for other women – including their own colleagues – to be decapitated by guillotine and eaten for the crime of believing that biology is real.

(They of course played dumb when caught, but unless they’re blind AND stupid they must have seen them at some point during the demo – it wasn’t a very large gathering – and decided that as elected politicians they were happy to be part of a protest where such placards were being waved. They were joined by Alison Thewliss MP and two males, Stewart McDonald MP and Ellie Gomersall of the Scottish Greens. Remarkably, not a single one of them noticed the signs before being pictured with them.)

At Saturday’s demo, as at every gathering of transactivists, the threat of violence was always direct and upfront. There are three violent messages here within a few feet of a collection of SNP representatives (the scrawny one with the glasses is Michael Gibbons of Out For Independence).

Or as Ross Greer of the Scottish Greens (another pasty, malnourished dweeb who we doubt could violence his way out of a wet paper bag) put it when tweeting pics showing all of the abusive banners: “Glasgow at its best”.

Look how much all the woman-hating politics men love the woman-hating knifey man.

Who brags about teaching people how to illegally manufacture and inject themselves with non-prescribed drugs which could make them impotent or sterile or worse.

(He did so in the same grubby Glasgow pub where yesterday’s placards were made. In 2019 the SNP council in the city gave the bar £5,000 of public money.)

Greer, Patrick Harvie, Karen Adam, Paul Sweeney and Gillian Mackay are all beside themselves with giddy excitement to share a platform with an “edgy” character like Jack/Beth Douglas. Alex Cole-Hamilton extravagantly expounds his praises on camera (looking for all the world in the pic above like one of the Commanders of Gilead from The Handmaid’s Tale). Maggie Chapman and numerous other Scottish Greens officials enjoyed a celebratory knees-up in an Edinburgh pub with him after passing the GRR.

Joe Fitzpatrick, SNP head of the Holyrood committee that “scrutinised” the GRR, abandoned all pretence of neutrality to demonstrate with Douglas.

And scores of MSPs, including most of the SNP, turned and stood to subserviently applaud him when they passed the bill enshrining the destruction of women’s rights.

What we currently have in Scottish politics is a situation where a micro-sect of sinister, “queer” anarcho-Marxists deeply enmeshed in violence, prostitution, sex crime, alcohol and drug abuse, porn and paedophilia are in effective control of the Scottish Greens, who in turn have the SNP in their pockets due to the coalition agreement.

It’s a vicious little ghetto of unashamed, unconcealed misogyny where people feel free to express their utter contempt for women on a daily basis:

The country’s politicians can see all this stuff just like we and you can. It’s in plain sight, on Twitter and Facebook and Buchanan Street, inches from their faces. It’s not like nobody’s told them about Douglas and his pals. They get told every single day.

But they don’t care. Instead, they block everyone who warns them, and they snigger and gloat and cheer as they vote down amendments to protect women from rapists.

(Former SNP councillor Hunter – Nicola Sturgeon’s right-hand woman – is friendly with most of the people we’ve identified in this piece, including the @sky_traffic account from a couple of pictures up who wanted to shoot Labour MP Rosie Duffield with a gun, see Kellie-Jay Keen run down and killed in Glasgow and watch gender-critical feminists “exploding like bags of baked beans” on people’s windscreens.)

They call women trying to defend their rights “Jeremy Hunts” and “WITCH!”.

They threaten them with rape, physical assault and murder.

(The SNP leader endorses and supports these abusers in public.)

And they enthusiastically, excitedly, gleefully queue up to embrace this rancid nest of severely mentally-damaged and sociopathic extremists to whom they’ve in all practical senses (and as openly boasted by Alex Cole-Hamilton in the video at the beginning of this article) given charge of the Scottish Government’s legislative agenda.

In short, Holyrood hasn’t just been captured. It’s been groomed.


Thanks to several people for their invaluable assistance in the research for this article, mainly women, whose names are withheld for their safety. You know who you are. If anyone has further information relating to aspects of this article or its subjects, you can contact us in confidence.

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