Students Silenced

How predictable that the students who complained about having a male predator in their midst were denounced as 'phobes' and bigots.  

It's the favourite tactic of zealots/bullies who are always keen to shut down debate and scrutiny.

"We had all kinds of accusations thrown at us in the middle of the classroom. I was being verbally attacked. She went to the head of the department and said we were all discriminating against her and were homophobic. I was really offended and hurt by that and didn’t go to college for three weeks because I was scared of the way she was coming at me."

Kilwinning Campus in North Ayrshire say they worked alongside Bryson, then known to them as Annie, in 2021. They described her as "overpowering" and "disruptive", saying classmates were repeatedly branded homophobic before Bryson was finally asked to leave the course.


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