Thoughts, Prayers and Politics

Janey Godley has been in touch to say she is to receive more chemo treatment which I was sorry to hear - I hope thing go well.

Because we all have friends or family who have health issues at this time of year, and it's important to keep them in our thoughts and prayers - if you're a praying person, of course.

But the stuff of politics goes on, of course, and it's Scottish Ministers who have deliberately chosen to railroad their barmy Self-ID bill through parliament on the eve of the festive season getting underway.

Some say this is down to the SNP finance secretary, Kate Forbes, being on maternity leave and that a Christmas vote will avoid Kate voting 'No' and having to resign from Nicola Sturgeon's government which would be very embarrassing.

But surely in this day and Covid age the finance secretary or any other MSP can vote by proxy, if they are unable to turn up to the Scottish Parliament in person.

No doubt time will tell.




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