Cow, Arse, Banjo!

It used to be said of Jeremy Corbyn that the former Labour leader couldn't hit a cow on the arse with a banjo.

If true, the same has to be said of Kezia Dugdale, a former Scottish Labour leader, whose latest foray into the sex vs gender debate is underwhelming. 

As a well-known lesbian Kezia fails to raise never mind answer some important questions in her column for The Times, for example:

1) Can a man with a penis be a lesbian?

2) Should lesbians who are not attracted to men with penises who self-identify as lesbians - be called out as bigots and compared to racists?

3) Does a man with a penis who identifies as woman literally become a woman through the process of self-identification?

Yet instead of tackling these issues Kez focuses on platitudes about the 'trans community' last seen in Edinburgh just days ago - represented by an angry, male-led, rent-a-mob who prevented a documentary film (Adult Human Female) being shown on the clash between women's rights and gender ideology.

Another missed opportunity.


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