From 'Chief Mammy' to 'Chief Bammy'

Nicola Sturgeon has to be Scotland's 'Dud of the Year 2022'.

The SNP leader has turned into Scotland's 'Chief Bammy' after arguing that men literally turning themselves into women through a process of Self-ID is no big deal - just a simple administrative tidying-up exercise.

What a cheek - what a brass neck!


Chief Mammy Says She Know Best (December 04, 2022)

Nicola Sturgeon's may have changed her title from Chief Mammy to Chief Birthing Person to please her gender ideologues chums, but all this 'Nicola knows best' baloney is really tiresome.

Especially after so many policy disasters which include the ghost ferries fiasco, the debacle over Scotland's census debacle, abandoning her famous pledge to close the educational attainment gap, ditto on abolishing the council tax, poor management of the NHS, underfunding of local government and men declaring themselves to be women.

Be Reasonable - Nicola Sturgeon: 'I'm the chief mammy!' | Facebook



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