SNP - Lies, Spin and Self-ID

Supporters of the SNP's barmy gender bill say they've bring trying to bring about sensible reform for years, but they haven't really.

Instead they're trying to ram through ideologically driven changes which focus on Self-ID and the absurd notion that men should be able simply to declare themselves women. 

For example, here's a tweet from Christina McKelvie who was making false claims about TWAW (Trans Women Are Women) while in her job as Equalities Minister.    


SNP - Hearing But Not Listening (December 03, 2022)

Kezia Dugdale argues there's been lots of consultation over the SNP's gender recognition reforms, but that's not the problem of course.

The real problem is that key SNP ministers have had a 'dog in the fight', been helping to spread trans propaganda and their minds made up from Day One!

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