Politicians, Pedestals and SNP Policy
Fan girl moment here - absolutely buzzing that I can call the First Minister and my queen my boss now lol x
— Nikita Bassi (@NikitaBassi123) July 7, 2021
A young woman starting a new job in Nicola Sturgeon's office is understandably excited, but referring to her as 'queen' and generally hero worshipping the boss is rather disturbing.
As is this tweet from Nikita declaring "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" which is code language for the destruction of the state of Israel.
I wonder if this is now official SNP policy?
Politicians and Pedestals (May 06, 2021)

Now the hero worshipping faithful might be impressed by this guff, but I've never believed in putting politicians on pedestals.
'Chief Mammy' Meets 'Big Brother' (April 08, 2021)
The SNP pulled out this 'big' guns with their latest party election broadcast, but perhaps not in the way intended because the advert came out like Chief Mammy Meets Big Brother.

The SNP pulled out this 'big' guns with their latest party election broadcast, but perhaps not in the way intended because the advert came out like Chief Mammy Meets Big Brother.