Women Exist!

David Aaronovitch in The Times with his review of Helen Joyce's new book 'Trans - When Ideology Meets Reality'. 

"The average adult man, Joyce reminds us, has 41 per cent more non-fat body mass, 50 per cent more muscle mass in his legs and 75 per cent more in his arms. His legs are 65 per cent stronger and his upper body is 90 per cent stronger. That’s why, as she points out “the fastest time ever run by Allyson Felix, the women’s 400 metre Olympics champion, is beaten more than 15,000 times each year by men and boys”. This athletic advantage will be conferred to a post-pubertal transwoman, even if she takes testosterone suppressors.

I’m off the fence. I will call people by the name and pronouns they tell me they want to be called by. I am prepared to defend their right not to be discriminated against at work and in shops, to defend them against bullying and harassment. But as Joyce says so passionately, that doesn’t change reality. A penis is a male sex organ, men don’t have babies. Women exist.

I came off the fence a while ago, but it's good to see more progressive, reasonable, rational men joining the fray - as well as women.  


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