Party On, Dudes!

I have not had the time to get involved in the Facebook conversation about the arrangements for Glasgow's Big Equal Pay Party on Saturday 6th July 2019.

But let me explain a few things surrounding the choice of the date which was driven by:
  • the need to hold the event around the time of the settlement period which is planned for June 2019 
  • the need to find a large, suitable and available venue in or around the centre of Glasgow
  • the need to ensure that certain individuals were available to attend - Stefan Cross, for example 
  • the need to find someone to organise everything which requires considerable time and effort - Me, for example 
I am just about ready to share the details of the venue, but no other suitable venue was available in June which is why Saturday 6th July has been chosen.

Just like any other big event - an important birthday, a retirement party or a wedding etc - it is impossible to get a day and a date that suits absolutely everyone.

But maybe we can use our experience of the equal pay campaign to help get round the problem for those who are scheduled to be working that night - because there are bound to be people who don't want to attend, for one reason or another.

Now the questions I would ask are:

  • How many employees definitely want to attend the event, but are due to be working on 6th July?
  • Are there employees who don't definitely don't want to attend but would be willing to 'swap' their shift?
  • How do we put these employees in touch with one another?
  • Can we persuade the Council to help out by agreeing to take on extra agency staff for that night?

So let's see what we can do though just like all the equal pay activities over the past couple years there are lots of competing issues at work - and it's impossible to satisfy all of the people all of the time.


Party On, Dudes - Save the Date! (15/02/19)

The details of Glasgow's big Equal Pay party are still being finalised, but I thought I'd give everyone as much notice as possible of the date which is:

Saturday 6th July 2019

So save the date, clear your social calendar, book the baby sitter and look out your dancing shoes - because it's going to be a great night.

More details to follow.


Party On, Dudes! (14/02/19)

I hope to have some definite news this week on the arrangements for Glasgow's big Equal Pay party. 

Now it will be impossible to satisfy everyone, for obvious reasons, but we'll do our best to come up with a suitable date, time and venue - everything else should take care of itself.

So watch this space - some suggested songs and singers for the Karaoke session coming up soon.


Party On, Dudes! (21/01/19)

I've had lots of lovely messages from readers ever since the big news about Glasgow was announced and one suggestion that keeps coming up is:

"How about organising an event to celebrate our success?"

Now as everyone knows Glaswegians love to party, especially Glasgow women and if you ask me, here are some absolute essentials for a great night out.

Lively, fun-loving guests - done!
A good venue - to be confirmed (tbc)
Music and dancing - with a DJ? (tbc)
Karaoke - with some 'star' turns (tbc)
A well run bar - licensed, of course (tbc) 
Food - might be tough, but go for it! (tbc)

So if readers have any ideas, do please drop me a note at - - because I am going to start making enquiries on these various fronts.

I am also going to propose some singers and topical songs for the Karaoke session which should be hilarious, so join in the fun with your own suggestions - the more outrageous the better!   


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