Glasgow's Fight for Equal Pay

Here's a great letter from a Glasgow reader who has taken up the challenge of writing to the Council Leader, Susan Aitken, over her reluctance to meet with the City's equal pay claimants as Susan has done in the past.   

Dear Susan,

I am writing to you in connection with above and would implore you to issue a statement advising the progress or otherwise of the present position regarding on going discussions/negotiations between my representatives Action for Equality Scotland and your Council Officials/Officers.

I understand that some of my colleagues have been writing to you to ascertain this information and possibly set up a meeting with yourself and other councillors to discuss progress.

I understand that your office has failed to reply to this request or has refused to consider this request for some reason.

I find this very disappointing in view of the fact that you were able to attend meetings with Cordia workers when you were in opposition and shortly after you obtained office when you whole heartedly supported the campaign of the women and men fighting for equal pay.

Having personally spoken to the First Minister at a meeting I and some of my co-workers had about equal pay prior to the strike, I am at a loss as to why you do not want to meet Cordia workers to discuss the present position and give them an update of how things are going.

I hope to receive your reply in the very near future.

Yours Respectively


Now 'J' was also part of the group of claimants who went along to see their local MSP, Nicola Sturgeon, prior to the Equal Pay strike in October 2018.

And I have a feeling that if Glasgow City Council doesn't get its finger out this week, people may be beating a path back to the First Minister's door in the New Year.


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