Coming Soon - Evidence of Duplicity!

A kind person has sent me a very interesting document which has to do with Glasgow City Council's estimated liability over equal pay.
Now the document isn't concerned with 2018 - instead it focuses on the last occasion when the Council offered to 'buy out' its workers equal pay claims with 'low ball' offers of settlement in the run-up to Christmas 2005.
Interestingly, the calculations were prepared by the same external consultants who developed the WPBR for the City Council.
Regular readers will recall that the Council's chief executive, Annemarie O'Donnell, claims that senior officials have always acted in 'good faith' over the WPBR and that their aim was to eliminate gender based pay discrimination with the introduction of this controversial pay scheme.
Regular readers also know the Council is refusing to release vital information about the WPBR which would prove or disprove this 'good faith' claim in double quick time.
Anyway, the document I have acquired about Glasgow's equal pay liabilities back in 2005 is explosive because the figures confirm that the Council 'robbed' thousands of low paid workers of hundreds of millions of pounds with derisory offers of settlement which were 'capped' at just £9,000.
So tune in again tomorrow and decide for yourself, but after reading these figures I suspect many of the Claimants will be 'fit to be tied up', as they say.
And many thanks to the public-spirited individual who sent me the document - the truth will out and I suspect this is just one of the many crucial WPBR documents the Council is refusing to release in response to my FoI Requests.
Who knows, maybe some of the Council's political leaders will start to take a real interest in these matters and help shine a light on what senior officials have been upped to all these years with their 'unfit for purpose' WPBR pay scheme.
Because I'll eat my hat if this information was shared with elected members and/or properly reported to the relevant Council Committees at the time.