Glasgow - Equal Pay Update

Here's a friendly Twitter exchange I've been having about the fight for equal pay in Glasgow City Council.

Now I imagine KC must be an SNP member, or supporter at least, which I have to say is neither here nor there to me because Glasgow's equal pay dispute is not about party politics. 

As regular readers know, I've been a big critic of previous Labour-run councils and I have also criticised the present SNP-led council, for example over its unsuccessful attempt (in December 2017) to overturn the Court of Session's 'unfit for purpose' judgment on Glasgow's WPBR pay scheme. 

But there's no need to be falling out with people on Facebook and Twitter or calling them nasty names - it's perfectly possible have a civilised discussion without becoming  obnoxious or personal.

I always try to be polite in these exchanges because I'm more interested in getting a point across than having a fight - although if people are terribly rude, ignorant or belligerent to me, I have to admit I'm not a 'turn the other cheek' sort of person.  

So looking forward to the New Year and the prospect of a big lobbying campaign with Glasgow Councillors, MSPs and MPs - I hope lots of claimants will get involved and make their voices heard.

Just remember to keep a civil tongue in your head and use the information from the blog site, or provided by the Trade Unions, or posts on the Equal Pay Facebook Page - to get your message across.

And if you need a hand with anything, there are lots of people  who are only too willing to help.


Calling all my #Indyref2 contacts. I need a list of all the attempts to deceive the electorate by Scottish unionist parties e.g. woman's equal pay in Glasgow, broadband etc etc I need it all, preferably with their actual posts.

Mark Irvine
The jury’s still out as far as the fight for equal pay in Glasgow is concerned - the SNP-led Council promised a final settlement by Christmas, but sadly this has not materialised

My post refers to the deceit. U remember how Labour had the brass neck to shout out for equal pay along with the unions, when it was in fact them who caused it ... and then there's people like yourself. Wtf have you lot been? When did you ever hold Labour to account?

Mark Irvine
I've been involved in the fight for equal pay in Glasgow going way back to 2005 - what about you? The most important thing for me is the people involved not the party politics, but here are some posts on what I've had to say about Labour in the past. …

Strange we didn't hear you Mark, the strike action, Labour all over the news , putting their faces on placards etc..... but wait for over 10 yrs then do it to the SNP! We see you all,Mark!

Mark Irvine
I’ve been campaigning for equal pay in Glasgow through my blog site for the past 12 years. Visit - and read the history for yourself. Th fight is not about party politics, but just because GCC is now SNP-led doesn’t mean the Council is above criticism

Never heard of you before SNP took over, Mark. Yes, it shouldn't be about party politics but now is.... Susan's face all over placards, SNP mentioned at every opportunity, while you lot stood with the unions and Labour. Again, the ones who caused it... Grrr

Mark Irvine
Well that’s probably because you’ve not been involved in the fight for equal pay in Glasgow until relatively recently. Frank McAveety’s face was on TU placards as well - so was GCC’s CEO. Nothing sinister in that and many claimants have supported the SNP in the past, as I have!

Glasgow - Equal Pay Update (20/12/18)

Unison's Glasgow City Branch has released an update on equal pay which includes some suggestions about upping the campaign in the New Year to lobby local Councillors and Glasgow MSPs.

If you ask me, this is a great idea because all the politicians I've ever met (far too many to mention) sit up and take notice when the people they are supposed to represent get in their faces - in the nicest possible way, of course.  

Now some 'jeremiahs' will say this is a big waste of time - these people always do, but this kind of campaigning produces results because it influences the political weather.

After 10 months of going round and round in circles, Glasgow finally started to negotiate seriously with the Claimants representatives in November 2018 - after the process of going back to the Employment Tribunals had started up again and after Glasgow's first ever equal pay strike in October 2018.

So Glasgow's politicians need to get the message that the Claimants will only agree to a settlement which is based on the pay and pensions they have lost after working under the 'unfit for purpose' WPBR for the past 12 years - and counting.

The more people who get involved the more successful this campaign is likely to be - because the Claimants are not being 'greedy' or 'unreasonable' and their voices need to be heard.

Many hands make light work and if thousands of Claimants make a point of supporting this campaign in the New Year, Glasgow's politicians, including the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, will get the message.


Unison Glasgow City Branch

Equal Pay Compensation Dispute Update

You will be aware of that our Claimants Side Legal Team (Action4Equailty / UNISON / GMB / UNITE) remain in serious negotiations with Glasgow City Council on the above issue. The UNISON Branch expects a formal report from our Claimants Side Legal Team around 21 January 2019. We hope for an acceptable outcome. 

However it is possible that the outcome of the current negotiations could be unacceptable. If that is the case then one of the main reasons is likely to be the size of the total cash pot which the council has been willing place on the table to fund the individual compensation payments.

UNISON will therefore be stepping–up its lobbying of all Glasgow MSPs and Councillors during the Scottish Parliament and Council Budget setting processes in January. 

The next UNISON Equal Pay Campaign meeting will be on Thursday 10th January, 6pm, UNISON Branch, 84 Bell Street. These meetings are open to all UNISON members. 

There will also be a joint trade union protest outside the City Chambers on Thursday 24 January at 12.15pm. Please get along if you can. 

Finally, the UNISON Glasgow Branch Committee will meet on 24 January to consider the report from our Claimants Side Legal Team. That meeting will then consider whether further strike action is required.

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