'Bravehearts' in the Fight for Equal Pay

Here's a YouTube post featuring a recent lecture given by my good friend and colleague Stefan Cross on the theme of 'Myths and Legends of Equal Pay'.

Now it's quite a long speech, but it's well worth an hour of anyone's time if you ask me, because Stefan explains the key facts and the background to the long fight for equal pay - before turning to more recent events in Glasgow City Council. 

For the life of me I cannot understand the reluctance of politicians in Glasgow to engage with Stefan and A4ES in a serious discussion about the obligations employers face in relation to equal pay.

The previous Labour-led Council in Glasgow refused to do so and the present SNP-led Council has followed its lead, even though you would think it was in everyone's interest to engage in a serious, informed debate.

For example, A4ES held a special Equal Pay briefing for Glasgow MSPs and MPs back in February 2018, but not a single Glasgow constituency MSP turned up - the same offer was made to the present Council leadership and, quite bizarrely, this was refused.

But Stefan Cross clearly knows what he is talking about when it comes to equal pay and gender based discrimination - and he puts the case across with such clarity, self-deprecation and a good sense of humour.

Who knows, maybe the employers, senior managers and elected politicians in Glasgow feel they are unable to debate the issues on level terms - both in private or in public - which is a sad reflection on local democracy.

So who are the 'Bravehearts' and who are the 'wee sleekit cow'rin timorous beasties' in the fight for equal pay? 

You decide.

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