Glasgow - Complaints and Investigations

A 'whistleblower' in Glasgow City Council has sent me a copy of a complaint which involves allegations about the Council's recruitment practices and temporary or 'acting up' payments to senior council officials.

I don't plan to publicise the allegations, at this stage, but I have written to the Council's Head of Audit and Inspection asking to be kept informed of developments and about what action, if any, the Council intends to take once its investigation is completed.

I did this because the Council, in my experience is often very slow at dealing with such matters - the investigation into the foreign trips and expenses of senior council officials being a good example (see posts below).

Unbelievably, as far as I know, the investigation into this particular scandal is still underway, many months after the original allegations were published in The Sunday Herald.

So if I don't hear anything from Mr Black within the next couple of weeks, I'll share details of the whistleblowing complaint on the blog site.

Meantime, I think I'll submit another FoI Request asking about the outcome of the Foreign Trips and Expenses 'investigation' which appears to be moving at the speed of a glacier.

Dear Mr Black

Whistleblowing complaint about senior officers

Thank you for your email and for confirming that the whistleblowing blowing allegations are being fully investigated.

I am not minded to publicise the allegations more widely since the Council appears to be taking them seriously, which is what I would expect.

However, can I ask you to let me know when your investigation is completed and what action, if any, the Council intends to take?

Kind regards

Mark Irvine


Glasgow's 'Laughing Stock' Council (07/09/18)

Here is Glasgow City Council's laughable response to my FOI request which asked for further information about an investigation into the expenses claims and foreign trips of senior council officials.

In essence the Council is refusing to release any further information because the investigation in still 'ongoing' -  several months after it first began.

Now we are talking about Scotland's largest and best resourced council, by far, with an annual revenue budget of £1.5 billion, yet Glasgow apparently needs more time to get to the bottom of claims which were splashed all over The Sunday Herald back in April 2018.

So I stand by what I said on the blog site over two months ago - the Council's behaviour smacks of sweeping the whole affair under the carpet along with the issue of 'management oversight' which was highlighted in the original article by The Sunday Herald:

"Council staff are overseen by Chief Executive Annemarie O’Donnell and a small team of directors paid more than £100,000 each. Overseas trips must be authorised by O’Donnell but the council said “approval is not always made in writing” so the council does not always hold written records."

I have to say this is fast becoming Glasgow's favourite excuse when faced with challenging questions, whether in relation to foreign trips or 'golden goodbye' payments to other senior officials, but if you ask me the absence of important records at crucial times is turning the City Council into a local government laughing stock.

Any reasonable person looking at the published information on Glasgow's foreign trips would ask a number of obvious questions:
  • Why were there multiple trips to New York at roughly the same time every year?
  • Why were some of the individual trips so long?
  • Why were senior officials from the same department given permission to be abroad at the same time?
  • Why were trips authorised for unspecified meetings with unspecified investors? 
  • What benefit did these foreign trips bring to Glasgow and how was this 'benefit' assessed?
Now the Council's refusal to answer a straight question about the use of public money is outrageous and anti-democratic, but disturbing as well is the lack of interest shown, so far at least, from Glasgow's 100 local Councillors, MSPs and MPs. 

Let's hope this changes in the weeks ahead because this issue is not going away - and nor am I, not least because I am still battling with Glasgow over a series of FOI requests which senior officials are refusing to answer because to do so would 'allegedly' cost the Council more than £600.

All I can say is that the 'guardians of the public pound' must have been asleep on duty when all these fanciful foreign trips were taking place.



Dear Mr Irvine


Thank you for your email of 9 July 2018 requesting a review of the response by Glasgow City Council (“the Council”) to your request for information under the Act.


On 12 June 2018 you emailed the Council and requested that the following information be provided to you:

“1) Please provide me the details of which senior officials have been required to pay moneyback to the Council, how much was paid back and when it was paid back?

2) Please provide me with email contact details for the data controllers in Glasgow City Council's ALEOs?”


The Council emailed you on 30 June 2018 and provided you with a response to your request for information. For ease of reference, the Council’s decision is set out at the Appendix to this letter.


On 9 July 2018 you emailed the Council requesting a formal review of the decision. Your review request was as follows:

“1) The raw data regarding senior officials' expenses claims is already in the public domain and was reported extensively by The Sunday Herald newspaper on 22 April 2018

2) Whilst I have no wish to undermine an internal investigation that may, or may not, still be underway, I believe it is perfectly fair to expect the Council to have concluded its investigations within the next 20 working days.

3) Clearly there is considerable public interest in the outcome of an investigation which must decide whether any of the Council's senior officials' expenses claims are invalid - and whether any of the public monies involved must be repaid.

4) The City Council has 20 working days to respond to my FOI Review Request which will take us into August 2018.

5) In my view, it is entirely reasonable to expect the Council's internal processes to be completed by that time, especially as the investigation has been underway for several months, i.e. weeks before The Sunday Herald article was published on 22 April, following the newspaper's original FOI Request which brought this matter to public attention.”


I have carried out a full and impartial review of the initial response provided to you. Please be advised that as your request for review relates to information about senior officials’ expensesonly, the scope of this review is limited to that part of your request.

I note the comments made in your review request that ‘it is entirely reasonable to expect the Council’s internal processes to be completed by that time, especially as the investigation hasbeen underway for several months’. Following my investigation, I can confirm that at the timeof writing, the Council’s internal investigation into this matter is ongoing.

I can further confirm that I uphold the Council’s initial decision to withhold the requested information. I agree that the information requested is exempt from a request under section 1 of the Act because of the exemption contained in section 30(c) of the Act. In my opinion, disclosure of the information would, or would be likely to, substantially prejudice the effective conduct of public affairs. I am of the view that release of information relevant to an ongoing investigation could substantially prejudice the investigation. This is because release of the information at this time, would have a significantly disruptive effect on the investigation. Further, there is a legitimate expectation that matters relevant to an ongoing internal investigation would be kept confidential.

In my opinion, there is a real risk that the effectiveness of the investigation would be critically undermined by disclosure of the information that you have requested.

While I believe the exemption contained in section 30(c) of the Act applies in this case, the Council would still be obliged to release the information in response to your request unless the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. I acknowledge the significant public interest in openness and transparency and therefore recognise that any request under section 1 of the Act is potentially in the public interest. However, I also recognise the public interest in protecting the effective conduct of public affairs. In this case, I am of the view that the public interest in protecting the effective conduct of public affairs outweighs the public interest in disclosure of the information.

In reaching my decision, I have taken into account the Scottish Information Commissioner’s guidance ‘Section 30: Prejudice to effective conduct of public affairs’. For information, you canaccess the guidance here:

Yours sincerely




Glasgow, Senior Officials and Foreign Trips 5 (03/07/18)

Here are the final expenses claims for overseas trips submitted by Glasgow City Council's Richard Brown and his deputy Tommy Turley.

I suspect the while business came to a shuddering halt after The Sunday Herald submitted its FOI request earlier this year which exposed what had been going on and the newspaper deserves to be congratulated for a fine piece investigative journalism. 

I submitted a further FOI request to Glasgow asking the Council to confirm whether any of these expenses claims have since been found to be 'invalid' and if any monies have been since repaid, but the Council refused to answer on the grounds that an internal investigation is still underway.

Now I don't understand this answer, I have to admit, because while the Council does have a reputation for moving at the speed of a glacier, The Sunday Herald published its story way back in April and the Council must have been put on alert even earlier, as it always take 28 days to answer FOI requests.

So I have decided to appeal and ask for a review of Glasgow's initial decision as it smacks to me of sweeping things under the carpet. 


Year 2017/2018

Richard Brown 

Location: Berlin - 31 August 2017 (08/31/17 to 09/02/17)
Purpose of visit: To promote innovation quarters in Glasgow and attend conference 
Air travel cost: £207.19
Hotel venue: Not given
Hotel cost:Nil
Subsistence: Euros 18.85
Fares/taxis: Euros 11.18 and £8.75
Comments: Nil

Tommy Turley

Location: Berlin - 31 August 2017 08/31/17 to 09/02/17)
Purpose of visit:  To promote innovation quarters in Glasgow and attend conference 
Air travel cost: £207.19
Hotel venue: Not given
Hotel cost:Nil
Subsistence: Euros 18.85
Fares/taxis: Euros 11.18 and £8.75
Comments: Nil

Glasgow, Senior Officials and Foreign Trips 4 (02/07/18)

Here are even more questions and comments on the 'foreign trips' expenses claims of senior officials in Glasgow City Council.
  • Richard Brown heads over to Munich for a 4 day property conference - having visited the same city (and same event?) in 2015 and 2014. The cost of travel is hugely expensive at £715.04 
  • Richard Brown travels to the north island of New Zealand for a 10 day conference in Auckland. The conference 'blurb' described the event as follows: "Across three days, attendees will participate in frank, robust presentations, discussions and workshops with international peers, facilitated by Greg Clark". Note three days - not 10.
  • Richard is off New York again for a five day unspecified meeting with unspecified investors - strangely no travel or accommodation costs are incurred, so who picked up the tab and why?  
  • Tommy Turley travels to Brussels for a 'strategy meeting' with the urban lighting body, LUCI.
  • Tommy Turley heads to Munich for a conference and awards ceremony - his boss Richard is in town as well, but is this down to coincidence or careful planning?
  • Tommy Turley travels to the capital of Korea for the Annual General Meeting of LUCI - someone should alert the Guinness Book of Records because at 11 days this must surely be one of the longest AGMs ever! I wonder who approved this visit - Richard Brown or the Council's chief executive, Annemarie O'Donnell?
  • Tommy Turley accompanies his boss Richard to the unspecified 5 day meeting in New York with unspecified 'investors'. No travel or accommodation costs are incurred, but the two officials have identical subsistence and taxi costs.
  • Tommy Turley visits Berlin for two days - no details given of his 'meeting' or its purpose, and oddly no travel or accommodation costs are incurred. So who picked up the tab and why?
  • Tommy Turley travels to the MPIM property show in Cannes which means Glasgow has been represented at this event for 3 straight years in a row.
I wonder how Glasgow City Council evaluated the cost versus the benefit of sending senior officials on these overseas trips, but I'm sure the public would love to know the answer.


Year 2016/2017

Richard Brown 

Location: Munich - 03 October 2016 (10/03/16 to 10/06/16)
Purpose of visit: Expo Real Property Conference and Exhibition
Air travel cost: £715.04
Hotel venue: Ibis Muenchen Sued Hotel
Hotel cost:£557.77
Fares/taxis: Nil
Comments: Nil

Location: Auckland - 11 November 2016 (11/11/16 to 11/20/16)
Purpose of visit: Wateredge Symposium
Air travel cost: £3,751.29
Hotel venue: Skycity Hotel
Hotel cost: $825.00 (NZ)
Subsistence: $252.80 (NZ)
Comments: Nil

Location: New York - 21 January 2017 (01/21/17 to 01/25/17)
Purpose of visit: Meeting with investors
Air travel cost: Nil
Hotel venue: Not given
Hotel cost:Nil
Subsistence:$16 (US)
Fares/taxis:$44.55 (US)

Tommy Turley

Location: Brussels - 30 June 2016 (06/30/16 to 07/01/16)
Purpose of visit: LUCI Strategy Meeting
Air travel cost: £320.00
Hotel venue: Chelton Hotel 
Hotel cost: £70.21
Subsistence: Euros 88.80 + £8.00
Fares/taxis: £77.00
Comments: Nil

Location: Munich - 03 October 2016 (10/03/16 to 10/06/16)
Purpose of visit: Conference and awards ceremony
Air travel cost: £715.04
Hotel venue: Leonardo Hotel and Residenz
Hotel cost: £488.54
Subsistence: Euros 58 + £5.85
Fares/taxis: Euros 32.00

Location: Seoul - 28 October 2016 (10/28/16 to 11/07/16) 
Purpose of visit: LUCI AGM
Air travel cost:£1,125.52
Hotel venue: KY Heritage Hotel
Hotel cost: £995.72
Subsistence: Nil
Fares/taxis: Nil
Comments: Nil

Location: New York - 21 January 2017 (01/21/17 to 01/25/17) 
Purpose of visit: Meeting with investors
Air travel cost: Nil 
Hotel venue: Not given
Hotel cost: Nil
Subsistence: $16.00 (US)
Fares/taxis: $44.55 (US)
Comments: Nil

Location: Berlin - 21 February 2017 (02/21/17 to 02/22/17) 
Purpose of visit: Meeting
Air travel cost: Nil
Hotel venue: Not given
Hotel cost: Nil
Subsistence: Euros 13.00
Fares/taxis: £40.00
Comments: Nil

Location: Cannes - 03 March 2017 (03/13/17 to 03/16/17) 
Purpose of visit: MPIM Conference
Air travel cost: £219.06
Hotel venue: Hotel Splendid
Hotel cost: £385.45
Subsistence: Nil
Fares/taxis: Nil
Comments: Nil


Glasgow, Senior Officials and Foreign Trips 3 (29/06/18)

Here are some more questions and comments on the 'foreign trips' expenses claims of senior officials in Glasgow City Council.

  • I suppose there might some value in a senior official attending a property conference in Munich, but three days away sounds a bit excessive to me, as does the air fare cost of almost £500.
  • A two day unspecified meeting with EU officials in Brussels which has no travel or accommodation costs - how can this be?
  • Another five day trip to New York for Richard Brown and his deputy - I have tried to find the connection between 'A Great Night In with Glasgow' and the Council's regeneration strategy without any luck so far. But 5 days and two people?
  • Cannes 2016 - another 3 day property conference which seems to be an annual event because Richard Brown also attended in 2015.

  • A 7 day visit to Orlando for an unspecified meeting with unspecified investors. What a strange place for a meeting - who was paying for this trip and how could it possibly take a full week?

  • Furthermore who approved this visit - Richard Brown or the City Council's chief executive, Annemarie O'Donnell?

  • The cost of Tommy Turley travelling to Brussels is recorded as £780.64 - was this by helicopter, by any chance, and what is the connection with Glasgow's regeneration strategy/services.

  • Tommy Turley on the move again to Copenhagen and Paris - the purpose of these visits is unclear and the cost involved appear to have been picked up by a third party. How odd.

  • Tommy Turley on a 7 day visit to Helsinki for an urban lighting conference. Glasgow is the only LUCI member city in the UK as far as I can see. I imagine it must have been a very illuminating event to have spent a whole week there. 
  • Tommy Turley on a four day visit to Milan for the European Music Awards - maybe it's just me but I fail to see the link with Glasgow's regeneration strategy/services.
  • Another LUCI lighting event in Lyon with an unspecified third party picking up the travel and hotel costs.
  • Tommy Turley meets up with his boss Richard Brown for five nights in the Big Apple - maybe the event should be renamed 'A Great Five Nights in with Glasgow!'
  • Tommy Turley joins his boss Richard Brown in Cannes for a 3 day MIPM property conference - Richard Brown attended the same event  in 2015.
Now if anyone knows what 'A Great Night In with Glasgow' is all about, or even 'A Great Five Nights In with Glasgow', please do drop me a note - in complete confidence, of course.


Year 2015/2016

Richard Brown
Location: Munich - 05 October 2015 (10/05/15 to 10/07/15)
Purpose of visit: Expo Real Property Conference and Exhibition
Air travel cost: £496.95
Hotel venue: Golden Leaf Hotel
Hotel cost:£406.95
Fares/taxis: Nil
Comments: Nil

Location: Brussels - !6 November 2015 (16/11/15 to 17/11/15)
Purpose of visit: Meeting with European Commission officials
Air travel cost: Nil
Hotel venue: Nil
Hotel cost: Nil
Subsistence: Euros 27
Comments: Nil

Location: New York - 05 March 2015 (03/05/15 to 03/09/15)
Purpose of visit: A Great Night In With Glasgow
Air travel cost: £940.82
Hotel venue: Park central Hotel
Hotel cost:£874.84

Location: Cannes - 15 March 2016 (03/15/16 to 03/17/16)
Purpose of visit: MIPIM (Real Estate Conference)
Air travel cost: £497.75
Hotel venue: Hotel La Pre Catelan
Hotel cost:£421.18
Subsistence:Euros 28.40 + £8.00
Fares/taxis: Euros 122.70
Comments: Nil

Tommy Turley

Location: Orlando - 23 April 2015 (04/23/15 to 04/29/15)
Purpose of visit: Meeting with investors
Air travel cost: Nil
Hotel venue: Not given
Hotel cost: Nil
Subsistence:$114.80 (US) + £8.00
Fares/taxis: $63.55
Comments: Nil

Location: Brussels - 08 July 2015 (07/08/15 to 07/09/15)
Purpose of visit: Conference and awards ceremony
Air travel cost: £780.64
Hotel venue: The Dominican
Hotel cost: £125.82
Subsistence: Euros 58 + £5.85
Fares/taxis: Euros 32.00

Location: Copenhagen/Paris - 27 August 2015 (08/27/15 to 08/28/15) 
Purpose of visit: SEC Europe Venue Visits
Air travel cost: Nil
Hotel venue: Nil
Hotel cost: Nil
Subsistence: Euros 7.70
Fares/taxis: Euros 10 + £7.00
Comments: Nil

Location: Helsinki - 23 September 2015 (09/23/15 to 09/29/15) 
Purpose of visit: LUCI (Lighting Urban Community International) AGM
Air travel cost: £386.38
Hotel venue: Not given
Hotel cost: Not given
Subsistence: Euros 101.30 + £4.45
Fares/taxis:Euros 81.00 + £3.50
Comments: Nil

Location: Milan - 23 October 2015 (10/23/15 to 10/26/15) 
Purpose of visit: European Music Awards
Air travel cost: £386.55
Hotel venue: The Dominican
Hotel cost: £382.26
Subsistence: 75.45 Euros
Fares/taxis:80.95 Euros
Comments: Nil

Location: Lyon - 11 February 2016 (02/11/16 to 02/12/16) 
Purpose of visit: LUCI (Lighting Urban Community International) - rescheduled conference
Air travel cost: Nil
Hotel venue: Not given
Hotel cost: Not given
Subsistence: Euros 12.90
Fares/taxis: Nil
Comments: Nil

Location: New York - 05 March 2016 (03/05/16 to 03/09/16) 
Purpose of visit: A Great Night In With Glasgow
Air travel cost: £940.62
Hotel venue: Park Central
Hotel cost: £874.84
Subsistence: $68.44 (US)
Comments: Nil

Location: Cannes - 15 March 2016 (03/15/16 to 03/17/16)
Purpose of visit: MPIM (Real Estate Conference)
Air travel cost: £497.78
Hotel venue: Hotel La Pre Catelan
Hotel cost: Not given
Subsistence: Euros 26.40 + £8.00
Fares/taxis:Euros 122.70
Comments: Nil


Glasgow, Senior Officials and Foreign Trips 2 (26/06/18)

I was not involved in the 'investigation' Glasgow City Council carried out into the expenses claims of senior officials who were involved in foreign trips, nor do I know what conclusions were reached.

But here are some questions and comments that occur to me from the information provided in response to my FOI Request to Glasgow City Council.
  • Why were the Council director and his deputy both allowed on a 9 day trip Toronto and New York at the same time?
  • Because the whole point of having a deputy is surely defeated, if both senior officials are away on the same trip at the same time - and these two individuals cost the Council a lot of money; somewhere in the region of £5,000 a week (£3,000 for Richard Brown and £2,000 for Tommy Turley) excluding expenses.  
  • Why were two senior officials attending a meeting of the North West Europe Interreg Programme Preparation Group (NWEIPPG) in Canada - when the work of this body is focused on North West Europe, as its name suggests?
  • Why, if the NWEIPPG meeting was in Toronto, did Tommy Turley fly onto Ottowa for another NWEIPPG meeting before meeting up with Richard Brown again in New York on 20 April 2014?
  • Why did Richard Brown not fly to Ottowa with his deputy and why is there no name given for Tommy Turley's Ottowa hotel? 
  • In what way did a 6 day visit to the Queen's Baton Relay in New York contribute to better (development and regeneration services) in Glasgow?
  • Given that the Queen's Baton relay was about the 2014 Commonwealth Games and that neither New York nor the USA are or were in the Commonwealth, what was the connection between New York, Glasgow and the 2014 Commonwealth Games?
So that's my starter for 10 and to follow there will be a similar examination of the foreign trips made by Richard and Tommy in 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18.

Readers will perhaps not be surprised to learn that these foreign trips came to a shuddering halt in 2018 which I suspect is connected to the original FOI enquiry by The Sunday Herald.


Glasgow, Senior Officials and Foreign Trips 1 (22/06/18)

I have finished reading Glasgow City Council's response to my FOI request regarding the expenses claims submitted by senior council officials in connection with foreign trips to a variety of locations around the world. 

Now there's lots of interesting detail to share, but there's also quite lot to 'take in'.

So I plan to publish a series of posts in the days ahead which will build up, bit by bit, a clear picture of what has been going on over the past four years.

The information focuses on Richard Brown, executive director of development and regeneration services, and his deputy Tommy Turley, both of whom featured in an article which appeared in The Sunday Herald back on 21 April 2018 (see posts below). 

More to follow soon - so watch this space.

Year 2014/2015

Richard Brown 

Location: Toronto - 27 April 2014 (04/27/14 to 30/04/14)
Purpose of visit: North West Europe Interreg Programme Preparation Group
Air travel cost: £752.03
Hotel venue: Hilton Toronto
Hotel cost:£278.67
Subsistence:$57.66 (Can)
Comments: Nil

Location: New York - 30 April 2014 (30/04/16 to 05/04/14)
Purpose of visit: Queen's Baton relay
Air travel cost: £102.30
Hotel venue: Park Central
Hotel cost:$1,040.60
Fares/taxis:$52.91 (US)
Comments: Nil

Location: Munich - 06 October 2014 (10/06/14) to 10/08/14)
Purpose of visit: Conference
Air travel cost: £348.31
Hotel venue: Hotel Torbraeu
Hotel cost:£476.00

Location: Cannes - 10 March 2015 (03/10/15 to 03/12/15)
Purpose of visit: MIPIM
Air travel cost: £419.11
Hotel venue: Best Western Alba
Hotel cost:£140.16
Comments: Nil

Tommy Turley

Location: Toronto - 27 April 2016 (04/27/14 to 30/04/14)
Purpose of visit: North West Europe Interreg Programme Preparation Group
Air travel cost: £777.03
Hotel venue: Hilton Toronto
Hotel cost:£278.67
Subsistence:$57.68 (Can)
Fares/taxis: Nil
Comments: Nil

Location: Ottawa - 28 April 2014 (04/28/14)
Purpose of visit: North West Europe Interreg Programme Preparation Group
Air travel cost: £165.47
Hotel venue: Not given
Hotel cost:£129.17

Location: New York - 30 April 2014 (04/30/14 to 05/04/14) 
Purpose of visit: Queen's Baton relay
Air travel cost: £102.30
Hotel venue: Park Central
Hotel cost: £1,040..60
Subsistence: $35.71 ((US)
Fares/taxis: $52.91 and $60 (US)
Comments: Nil

Location: Brussels - 02 March 2015 (03/02/15 to 03/05/15) 
Purpose of visit: Romas NeT Final Conference and closing event
Air travel cost: £386.55 
Hotel venue: The Dominican
Hotel cost: £382.26
Subsistence: 75.45 Euros
Fares/taxis:80.95 Euros
Comments: Nil

So that's the basic information supplied by Glasgow City Council for the financial year 2014 to 2015.

My next blog post will raise some rather obvious questions about the nature of these foreign trips and the costs or benefits to the taxpayer.

And once 2014/15 has been given a really thorough examination the years 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18 to follow. 


Where's Richard, Glasgow? (11/06/18)

I'm told that Richard Brown may be on a 'phased return' to work following his recent absence, but no word so far about the completion of the Council's investigation into the expenses claims of senior officials.

If anyone can help shed some light on this sublect, drop me a note (in confidence of course) -


Where's Richard, Glasgow? (07/06/18)

I am trying to discover if the senior council official, Richard Brown, mentioned in this story from the Sunday Herald is back at work.

Richard is the Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services at Glasgow City Council and he must have to walk by a whole bunch of other staff to get to his office at 231 George Street.

So I'm sure someone can let me know whether Richard is still 'on leave' as the paper reported back in April 2018.

Because if Richard is back at his desk, the Council must have competed its investigation into his and other senior official expenses which formed the basis of the original article by the Sunday Herald all these weeks ago.

In which case there can surely no longer be a valid reason not to publish the FOI expenses information which the Council asked the newspaper not to publish, at the time, because it might have compromised their ongoing investigation into senior official expenses: 

“Release of information relevant to these investigations at this time would have a significantly disruptive effect…we believe that there is a real risk that the effectiveness of the investigation would be critically undermined by disclosure of some of the information you have requested. This would be to the material detriment of the effectiveness of improving an organisation’s operations, processes and policies.”

So what is the score - is Richard back in the saddle, has the City Council completed its enquiries and, if so, what was the final outcome of the expenses investigation?

I have asked the City Council the same FOI question as the Sunday Herald and my view is that if Richard Brown is back at work, there is every reason to explain 'which directors paid back money, how much was paid back and when it was paid back'.   

If you have any information to share, then drop me a note (in complete confidence of course) to:


Glasgow City Council and FOI (03/06/18)

Glasgow City Council continues to look ridiculous over its policy aim of becoming a 'world leader' in terms of openness and transparency while senior officials continue to drag their feet in relation to freedom of information (FOI).

Here's a recent example from the blog site archive involving a senior official who has been on 'special leave' for weeks while the Council investigates expenses claims arising from foreign trips.

I have asked the Council to provide me with the same information requested by The Sunday Herald because I think it's absurd that this investigation has been allowed to drag on for such a long time.

I'll share my FOI request on the blog site later this week.    


Glasgow - Speed of a Glacier (20/05/18)

Here's a great article about an 'expenses investigation' in Glasgow City Council which appeared in The Sunday Herald four weeks ago today. 

Now unless I've missed something there has been no update to explain the outcome of the investigation or the fate of the senior official who was reported as being "on leave" while the investigation was taking place.  

If the senior official is still on leave, this has to be costing the Council somewhere around £3,000 every week (£150,000 a year) and who knows when this period of leave started because I'm pretty sure that it was the FOI enquiry from Peter Swindon and The Sunday Herald which triggered the Council's decision to investigate the matter.

So what is the bill so far (£12,000 to £24,000 - more or less?) and just how long can it take senior council officials to investigate one of their own colleagues and decide on a course of action? 

I don't know, but it's taken several weeks so far and as well as being a terrible waste of public money, it is yet another example of Scotland's largest council moving at the 'speed of a glacier' when important issues are at stake.

So I decided to ask the same FOI question put to the Council by The Sunday Herald in an effort to chase things along. 

I'd also like to take this opportunity of reminding readers that this is the same Council which has refused my FOI request into the actions of senior officials when Glasgow's 'unfit for purpose' WPBR pay scheme was introduced - on the grounds that it would cost more than £600 to provide me with this information.  


God Above, Glasgow! (22/04/18)

Here's a link to great story in The Sunday Herald on which I'll have more to say later today.

In the meantime, go out and buy a copy of the newspaper or access the full article online (via the link below) because Peter Swindon's report on foreign trips by senior officials in Glasgow City Council is dynamite, if you ask me.

The newspaper paper claims that in the past four years Glasgow City Council bosses have been travelling around the world on business class flights and first class train fares while staying in top hotels in London, Brussels, Berlin, Helsinki, Paris, Cannes, New York, Orlando, Detroit, Toronto, Auckland and Seoul.

And yes, this is the same Council which has refused to answer my FOI request about the WPBR on the grounds that it would cost the Council more than £600 to provide the relevant information!

God above! - does the hypocrisy of these people have no end?

Make sure also to read the post below from the blog site archive on 'Rewarding Failure' which reveals that Glasgow's small group of chief officials have earned over £27 million during the lifetime of the WPBR pay scheme - not including expenses, of course. 


Expenses investigation launched at Scotland's largest council

By Peter Swindon @PeterSwindon The Sunday Herald

SCOTLAND'S largest local authority has launched an investigation into expenses claimed by senior directors after a series of freedom of information requests by the Sunday Herald uncovered evidence that thousands of pounds were spent on foreign trips.

In the last four years Glasgow City Council bosses flew to London, Brussels, Berlin, Helsinki, Paris, Cannes, New York, Orlando, Detroit, Toronto, Auckland and Seoul, often staying at top hotels and claiming for the cost of pricey meals.

Glasgow - Senior Officials and Equal Pay (23/04/18)

Here is the full version of The Sunday Herald article on the investigation which is now underway into the expenses claims of senior officials at Glasgow City Council.

A number of issues jumped out at me straight away including:
  1. How long has the current system been in place and how is it possible that "approval (for foreign trips) is not always made in writing"?
  2. How is it possible for a spokesperson to tell the newspaper that the Council does not always hold written records? 
  3. If "unspent currency" must be handed back within seven days of returning from a trip, who authorised handing out these 'wads of cash' before a trip takes place and what are they for?
  4. Who authorised officials to travel by business class air fares, first class train fares and to stay in top hotels? 
  5. Who authorised a system in which spending not supported by receipts?
  6. Is the Executive Director (Richard Brown) on annual leave, special leave or a precautionary suspension?
  7. How long will the Council take to conclude its investigation and 'come clean' over what has been happening with these trips?
I can't believe that any other part of the 'Council Family' would be allowed to operate in this way.

If you ask me, this shambles makes the Council look even more ridiculous over its refusal to answer my FOI request about the circumstances surrounding the creation of the WPBR - on the grounds that the cost to the Council would be more that £600. 


Expenses investigation launched at Scotland's largest council

By Peter Swindon @PeterSwindon - The Sunday Herald

SCOTLAND'S largest local authority has launched an investigation into expenses claimed by senior directors after a series of freedom of information requests by the Sunday Herald uncovered evidence that thousands of pounds were spent on foreign trips.

In the last four years Glasgow City Council bosses flew to London, Brussels, Berlin, Helsinki, Paris, Cannes, New York, Orlando, Detroit, Toronto, Auckland and Seoul, often staying at top hotels and claiming for the cost of pricey meals.

Council sources revealed cash has been paid back following the Sunday Herald’s Freedom of Information request, but the local authority said details could not be revealed until they have fully investigated spending.

One well-placed council source said there is now a “desire to clean things up” at Glasgow City Council and “no one is going to protect" anyone now.

The cash-strapped local authority is in the grip of a funding crisis with a budget gap of £20m, and council tax paid by people who live in the city is set to rise by three per cent.

Council staff are overseen by Chief Executive Annemarie O’Donnell and a small team of directors paid more than £100,000 each. Overseas trips must be authorised by O’Donnell but the council said “approval is not always made in writing” so the council does not always hold written records.

Directors can claim for travel, hotel costs, conference fees, meals and taxi fares, and receive currency advances for unexpected expenses. Unspent currency must be paid back within seven days of returning from a trip.

The local authority provided the Sunday Herald with a list of expenses claimed by senior management in the last four years following a Freedom of Information request. It is understood the investigation is centred on spending by Executive Director of Development and Regeneration Services Richard Brown, who is currently on leave, and Assistant Director Tom Turley, who is running the department.

Council insiders are believed to be unhappy about some of the claims which include the cost of business class flights, first class train fares and top hotels in foreign cities. There was also spending that is not supported by receipts, according to sources at the City Chambers.

One source, who asked not to be named, said: “There is an ongoing investigation which covers two chief officers.”

When the Sunday Herald formally requested further information about how much has been paid back to the council following the initial Freedom of Information request, the local authority said they could not reveal figures.

The latest FoI response, which came from the council’s executive compliance office in the financial services department, said: “Release of information relevant to these investigations at this time would have a significantly disruptive effect…we believe that there is a real risk that the effectiveness of the investigation would be critically undermined by disclosure of some of the information you have requested. This would be to the material detriment of the effectiveness of improving an organisation’s operations, processes and policies.”

The statement went on to recognise the public interest in disclosing details about which directors paid back money, how much was paid back and when it was paid back, but the statement said there is also “a significant public interest in allowing internal investigations to take place” and the release of information was blocked.

The Sunday Herald has chosen not to publish a breakdown of spending by senior directors until the investigation concludes. A council spokesman said: “It wouldn’t be appropriate to comment on an ongoing investigation.

Glasgow's MSPs and MPs (22/04/18)

I shared the link to my 'God Above, Glasgow' blog post with all Glasgow's MSPs and MPs - along with the following Twitter message:

Glasgow City Council is mired in a expenses scandal involving chief officials and foreign trips - while refusing to answer an FOI request about the Council's 'unfit for purpose' pay arrangements on the grounds that it would cost more than £600! 

Now let's see who is willing to speak out and call a spade a spade - because this is the height of hypocrisy if you ask me.

Glasgow has eight constituency MSPs (all SNP) and seven constituency MPs (6 SNP and 1 Labour).


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