Glasgow - Crunch Day Over Equal Pay

Today is a big day in the fight for equal pay in Glasgow City Council because it's the last settlement meeting of 2018 after many months of talks.
The pace of things has certainly speed up over the past six weeks or so, in the wake of Glasgow's historic equal pay strike (in October) and the prospect of all the outstanding claims heading back to the Employment Tribunals.
But the Council has still not come forward with realistic proposals capable of ending this long running dispute which is odd because the Council leaders have promised time and again that a final agreement would be reached before Christmas.
The last time the workforce was in this position (in the final weeks of 2005) the Council put forward settlement proposals which feel far short of the true value of people's claims - while excluding large numbers or workers from receiving any settlement altogether.
In effect, thousands of low paid workers had the wool pulled over their eyes - they were duped and bullied out of their rights to equal pay by a Labour-led Council, yes a Labour-led Council.
So the big question is whether Glasgow's SNP-led Council is going to behave the same way or will this new Council back a settlement based on the pay and pension claimants have lost over 12 years (and counting) of the 'unfit for purpose' WPBR?
If not, thousands of cases will all be referred back to the Employment Tribunals where the Council will have to explain how it can credibly defend its pay arrangements when even the Council Leader agrees the WPBR is discriminatory.
A big day all round - so watch this space.