Peak Lunacy

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The Guardian sketch writer John Crace has a great piece in today's newspaper which you can read via the link below.

But I especially enjoyed the following extract in which the Labour party is described as moving up to peak lunacy with deputy leader Tom Watson being 'monstered' as a Blairite closet Tory for stating the bleedin' obvious - that some of the influx of new members are Trots with little interest in the party itself. 


We might have learned a bit more about Brexit, other than Brexit means Brexit, if Labour was in better shape to mount an effective opposition to the government. As it is, the only thing the party is currently opposing is itself. If there were medals on offer for self destruction, Labour would have taken a clean sweep in every weight division. The party is almost beyond parody. After weeks of low-level wrangling over whether the brick was actually thrown through the window of Angela Eagle’s constituency office or just into a communal stairwell, Labour has moved up to peak lunacy where no one in the party appears to trust anyone else. The deputy leader, Tom Watson, is now officially a Blairite closet Tory for saying that some of the new Labour members are Trots with little interest in the party itself – a suggestion no more radical than claiming that some Conservatives have more in common with Ukip – while the GMB union is accused of Tory vote-rigging by coming out in support of Owen Smith. There is no conspiracy theory that someone somewhere does not believe to be true. It can’t be long before Corbyn is revealed as a secret Lib Dem.

As the old saying goes: Whom the Gods wish to destroy, they first turn mad.

Owen Smith and Jeremy Corbyn in a Labour leadership debate ‘So, Owen, who will be Labour’s next PM?’ ‘Search me, Jez.’ Photograph: 


an Forsyth/Getty Images
So, Owen, who will be Labour’s next PM?’ ‘Search me, Jez.’
Photograph: Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

Boaty McBoatface (09/05/16)

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I have to say I'm pleased that the UK's state-of-the-art, multi-million pound, polar research ship is to named RSS Sir David Attenborough (a fine choice) rather than 'Boaty McBoatface' which came top of the poll in some ill-judged attempt to curry favour with public opinion.

Because if people get the chance to 'take the piss' (without doing any real harm, they often grab the chance - just as they did when John Sergeant kept beating much better rivals in Strictly Come Dancing, thanks to an adoring if bonkers public vote.

So the motto of the story is don't let the lunatics take over the asylum because you could end up John Sergeant winning 'Strictly' or with Jeremy Corbyn as leader of the Labour Party.

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