Cunning Stunt Backfires

John McTernan is on fine form with this article in The Telegraph about Jeremy Corbyn and his 'Traingate' fiasco.

But the killer lines are all from Richard Branson and the Virgin Trains spokesperson who says matter of factly:

"We're a bit puzzled why Jeremy couldn't find unreserved seats when he boarded the train - they're right next to him as the photo shows."

Boom, boom!

Jeremy Corbyn will regret picking a fight with Sir Richard Branson

By JOHN MCTERNAN - The Telegraph

Jeremy Corby on the train CREDIT: VIRGIN TRAIN

Rule 1 of spin is "Don't lie". Embellish the truth, gild the lily, make the most positive presentation possible but do not lie.

Of course, sometimes you may feel that you have to make something up. This is where Rule 2 comes in - "Don't get caught." In politics, the truth doesn't have to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it just has to be a "defensible truth". Or, in other words something that no-one can disprove.

Which leads directly to Rule 3 - "Remember that people will fight back if their reputation is at stake." Yesterday, as "Traingate" unfolded, it was clear that Jeremy Corbyn and his team had broken all three rules.

When Corbyn originally released his ridiculous low-fi rail video I thought that this simply confirmed how completely incompetent his whole operation is. They had obviously not ordered those cheap advance tickets because they always come with a compulsory reservation. Obvious really, Corbyn was bound to treat Labour Party money the same way he would spend the taxpayer's money - wastefully.

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