Our Moment in the Sun

I recognise several voices in this outstanding, inspirational video including, if I'm correct, Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins and Nigel deGrasse Tyson.

We may all be going to die, but how fortunate are we to have lived in the first place, to have acquired such an understanding of the origins of the universe and our relative place in the grand order things. 

The reason I stopped believing in religion, as a teenager, is that I said to myself one day: "if there really is an all-seeing, all-knowing, all-powerful God who created the universe, then who or what created God?"

And I find hilariously funny the claim that this Supreme Being has apparently bestowed his blessing on a succession organised religions - with Jews, Christians and Muslims (in various guises) all vying to present themselves as his 'chosen people'.  


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