'Loadsamoney' (26/11/15)

As the Unison branch in South Lanarkshire ponders what to do with its £700,000 'war chest' of its members' money, said union members must be scratching their heads at the idea of employing a special Caseworker to help with local disciplinary and grievance hearings.

Now leaving aside the fact that unions stewards and branch officers are entitled to paid time off to represent members who get caught up in these procedures, there are some rather  obvious questions to ask including:
  • What is the level of demand?
  • How has demand been measured?
  • How would such a post be advertised?
  • Who would draw up a suitable job description?
  • How would the pay of such a post be determined?
  • Who would be on the interview panel and how would they be selected? 
  • To whom would a Caseworker report and how would this person be managed?
  • Does the Unison branch have the required employer's liability insurance in place and if not, what is the cost? 
  • What qualifications and experience and expertise do Unison branch officials possess to oversee such a process?
  • What safeguards would be put in place to ensure that the successful candidate is not drawn from the existing branch leadership?
  • What safeguards would be put in place to ensure that the successful candidate is not just a 'chum' of the local branch leadership?
Not only that, if the local Unison branch has been sitting on a cash mountain for years worth hundreds of thousands of pounds, then why were these funds not put to much better use during the long fight for equal pay? 


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