Bayonet the Wounded (03/03/14)

Here are the opening two paragraphs of an opinion piece by Iain Macwhirter which appeared in the Sunday Herald the other day. 

"In September, at a conference in Orkney, Better Together's Ian Davidson MP declared that the No campaign had already won and all that was left was "to bayonet the wounded".

Imagine if Alex Salmond or Nicola Sturgeon had said that? It would have dominated the headlines for weeks. David Dimbleby would not have been amused. But even though I was present at the time, I refused to take offence at Davidson's remark, which was obviously not serious."

Now I'm quite prepared to accept that Ian Davidson's words were meant in jest, but I can't help feeling that only a very strange mind is capable of conjuring up such ugly humour and while I don't take any great offence I think it would be much better if our politicians made a point of choosing their words more carefully.  

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