Talking Shop

My sources in North Lanarkshire have got back to me about the 'private' meeting between the unions and the Council - see previous post below dated 5 December 2015. 

Apparently the unions are now going out of their way to reassure members that nothing untoward is going on and that no negotiations will take place - they're just getting together with the Council management to see if they can 'move the process' forward somehow.

Now I was a union official, and a senior one at that, for a very long time and I have to say that I fail to see much point in having a meeting if there are no meaningful negotiations planned.

Because that's what I would call a talking shop - a complete waste of time.

Maybe they'll all end up having a nice Christmas drink together although at the moment there's nothing to celebrate because, as regular readers know, the real stumbling block is the Council's failure to put realistic offers of settlement on the table.

And unless they do, these cases are all heading back to the Employment Tribunal on 19 January 2015 where the Council and its remaining witnesses will be back in the hot seat.

Private Meetings (5 December 2015)

My sources within North Lanarkshire Council tell me that the Council is having a 'private' meeting with the trade unions today to discuss the ongoing situation with regards to equal pay.

Now I have to say I find this a bit odd because, as everyone knows, Action 4 Equality Scotland (A4ES) represents the vast majority of equal pay claimants in North Lanarkshire and we certainly won't allow the equal pay 'tail' to pretend that it can wag the equal pay 'dog'.

Who knows, maybe some good will come of this little tête-a-tête although I'm always a bit suspicious when people want to peel-off and have their own private discussions. 

So, if North Lanarkshire readers have any useful information to pass on then drop me a note, in confidence of course, at: 

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