Independent Scrutiny

Here's an interesting Press Release from the Department for Communities and Local Government in England and Wales which calls on local councils to be more open about what their senior officials earn by way of salaries and lucrative bonuses.

The point being that local councils should be in a position to show that the salary packages of senior officials represent value for money for the taxpayer and, presumably, that the top brass are not being treated more favourably than the rest of the workforce.

I think I'll send a copy to the leaders of North Lanarkshire Council.  

Government has grounded excessive town hall pay but councils must do more to prove value of senior staff

From:Department for Communities and Local Government

Eric Pickles calls on councils to be more open about top earners.

Local Government Secretary Eric Pickles today (13 December 2014) called on councils to be more open about top earners and prove to taxpayers they are getting value for money from 6-figure salaries and lucrative bonuses.

This government’s focus on excessive pay has brought about a pay restraint among the vast majority of councils reducing the number of town hall staff on inflated salaries and ending an era of boomerang bosses. However, latest figures for the UK suggest more than 2,000 town hall staff were still taking home more than £100,000 a year.

The coalition government has already changed the law to provide greater transparency in town halls and give local taxpayers the information they need to hold councils to account about how they spend their money.

Councils must publish details about pay matters every year, while senior appointments and severance payments of £100,000 have to go to a full council vote.

Mr Pickles has now instructed his officials to look at how guidance can be amended to achieve even greater transparency on top earners.

Responding to a select committee report on senior pay in local government, the Secretary of State was clear councils must now come clean about how they appraise the performance of top earners. They will also have to explain the reason behind lucrative bonuses and how they deal with poor performance.

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