Fruitcakes and Loonies

The Independent ran an amusing story the other day with some of the best and worst 'foot in mouth' quotes of 2014 including these two beauties from UKIP which make dumb excuses for key party figures.

Now I'm almost never late for appointments, but normal human beings don't blame their travel problems of immigration - nor do they excuse the use of offensive language on the (alleged) use of sedatives.  

Excuse of the Year (Runner-Up)

“It took me six hours and 15 minutes in the car to get here. It should have taken three and a half to four. That has nothing to do with professionalism. What it does have to do with is a population that is going through the roof chiefly because of open-door immigration and the fact that the M4 is not as navigable as it used to be.” – Ukip leader Nigel Farage on why he was two hours late for the party’s first Welsh conference in Port Talbot.

Excuse of the Year (Strong Contender)

“That was a phone call made a long time ago while he was on sedatives and, by his own account, not really speaking or thinking rationally.” – Patrick O’Flynn, Ukip MEP, explains how Kerry Smith, prospective Ukip candidate for Basildon and East Thurrock, came to use the phrases “Chinky bird” and “old poofters” in a phone conversation.

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