Superman's Song

Dean Cain's comment about Dylan Mulvaney and Jeffrey Marsh - "I think.......neither of you are girls" - made me laugh like a drain, but also reminded me of one of my favourite songs by the Crash Test Dummies. 

I love the lyrics and the haunting melody, but above all the humour and pathos which contrasts the life of Superman with the 'dumb as an ape' character of Tarzan.

Without fail it always brings a big smile to my face. 

Superman's Song

Tarzan wasn't a ladies man,
He'd just come along and scoop em 
Up under his arm like that,
Quick as a cat, in the jungle.
Clark Kent, now there was a real gent,
He would not be caught sittin' around in no jungle scape, dumb as an ape, doin' nothing. 

Superman never made any money,
Savin' the world from Solomon Grundy.
And sometimes I despair
The world will never see another man like him.

Hey Bob, Supe had a straight job!
Even though he coulda smashed through
Any bank in the United States.
He had the strength but he would not.
Folks said his family were all dead.
Planet crumbled, but Superman he forced himself
To carry on, forget Krypton, and keep goin'


Tarzan was king of the jungle,
And lord over all the apes.
But he could hardly string together
Four words, I Tarzan you Jane.

Sometimes when Supe was stoppin' crimes,
I'll bet that he was tempted to just quit
And turn his back on man,
Join Tarzan in the forest.
But he stayed in the city,
Kept on changin' clothes
In dirty old phone booths 'til his work was through.
Had northin' to do but go on home.

[Chorus: x2]

Dean Cain | Superman star faces backlash after cancel culture comments |  Radio Times

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