Calling North Lanarkshire

The position of residential care staff in North Lanarkshire is less clear that that for other groups of workers because their pay arrangements, prior to Single Status in 1999, were more complicated than most and involved a lot of different shift patterns.

But their pay arrangements under a new job evaluation scheme (JES) should still be fair and consistent compared to the treatment of other Council jobs in 2006, particularly in relation to the Council's traditional male jobs which appear to have fared much better than all their women colleagues.

So to understand the position in North Lanarkshire clearly, I'd like to meet up with a few residential staff who have been in post since 2005/2006 and who understand the transition from the 'old' to the 'new' pay arrangements which were introduced at the time of job evaluation.

I am especially interested in any paperwork and documents people may have received from the Council and indeed the trade unions because this will help to explain what has happened to this particular group of staff.

If you think you can help, then drop me a note, in complete confidence of course, to the following email address:

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