Shameless Hypocrisy

I read another example of Labour party hypocrisy on Freedom of Information (FOI) - just the other day.

I never ceased to be amazed at the way the Labour party shamelessly demands everyone else to observe high standards - when it comes to FOI legislation.

Yet turns a blind eye and has nothing to say when - for example- the Labour led Council in South Lanarkshire not only refuses to abide by a decision of the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) - but also three senior judges in the Court of Session, Scotland's highest civil court.

Here's what a Labour MEP - Catherine Stihler - had to say recently about a row involving the Scottish Government: 

"This shameless cover-up will cost hundreds of thousands of pounds and may not even be settled before the referendum takes place."

Ms Stihler accused the Nationalists of using taxpayers' money to keep anything to do with independence secret.

Before going on to add:

"Either it is bad news for their assertions, or they don't have any legal advice on EU membership. By arguing that people are not entitled to know such a basic point, the Scottish Government are effectively applying for a Salmond superinjunction against the people of Scotland."

Strong words - strong words indeed.

But why don't the same standards of behaviour apply to the Labour leadership of South Lanarkshire Council?

Which is using taxpayers' money to keep its pay arrangements secret - and prevent people from understanding how different male and female jobs are paid.

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