Mission Impossible

I didn't really know anything about Katie Holmes until the last couple of days - but I gather she is about to become yet another ex-Mrs Tom Cruise.

Now if the tabloid newspapers are to be beleived the reason that Katie Holmes is seeking a divorce is to protect her young daughter - Suri - from her father's religious beliefs.

Because Mr Tom Cruise is one of the best known followers of the rather wacky Church of Scientology - another being John Tavolta if I remember my western cults correctly.

But what puzzles me is that Ms Holmes must have known that Tom Cruise was a bit of a nut job - in terms of his religious beliefs - when she started dating the legendary American film star.

I wonder what attracted Katie to him - apart from his squillions of dollars and glamorous Holywood lifestyle, of course?

More to the point why would an intelligent young woman have a child with such a man - without thinking through the consequences.

Lots of Americans have crazy religious views - the Republican party's next presidential candidate (Mitt Romney) is a Mormon - for goodness sake.

And you don't get much wackier than that - except possibly for all the Christian fundamentalists who believe that the Bible is the literal word of God.

Heaven help us.

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