SNP - Soft On Crime, Soft On The Causes Of Crime

Sandra Macdonald, a local councillor and member of the Aberdeen Women’s Alliance, says what most Scots think about the barbaric murder of Jill Barclay.

“I cannot comprehend how the man who did this to Jill received a lesser sentence because he was under 25. People of that age are perfectly capable of knowing right from wrong. They are aware that raping, murdering and setting fire to someone, while they are still alive, goes way beyond depravity and hatred.”

Humza Yousaf is talking nonsense when he says that he and other politicians cannot comment on the operation of this reduced sentence policy. 

Parliaments make the law, review the law and change the law where necessary - judges apply the law and if this case is anything to go by, they are applying the under 25 guidance it too literally, as if a reduced sentence is appropriate in every case. 

Unimaginably Wicked' vs 'Here's Your Discount' (May 25, 2023)

It's terrible to think that Scotland's justice system gives a  violent man a lighter sentence due to his 'young age and early guilty plea' even though he attacked, raped and murdered a woman - a wife and mother - whom he set on fire while she was still alive.

Life should mean life for dangerous, cowardly, savage men like Rhys Bennett.

Murderer Rhys Bennett and victim Jill Barclay. Pics: Police Scotland

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