Meet the Greens - Introducing Some of Scotland's 'Low Paid' Councillors (6)

I need to update this post to take account of the council elections, but as you can see for yourself Glasgow's Green councillors are not remotely 'low paid'.

Two Green councillors received senior (full-time) councillor salaries and the other four all had second or third jobs on top of their part-time, backbench councillor roles which are now paid £19,571 or £15.70 an hour.

So it will be interesting to how Glasgow's new senior councillor salary scheme works out because the SNP lost ground in May's council elections and are now relying on a coalition with the Greens. 

 More to follow soon.

Glasgow Councillors - Meet the Greens (May 03, 2022)

I had a look at the entries made by Green councillors in Glasgow City Council's Register of Interests - which are reproduced below for easy reference.

Now the Green councillors provide far more and clearer information than their SNP allies - for a start they record their councillor salaries which most SNP councillors avoid doing for some strange reason.

Cllrs Long and Molyneux don't record the time spent and salaries they are/were paid in working for Partick Harvie, as a Glasgow MSP - information which ought to be in the public domain.

Cllrs Mearns and Wadrop record their senior councillor salaries (£31,331 and £26,753 respectively) which are paid on a full-time basis, of course, although Cllr Wadrop registers another sessional job without providing any details of the time commitment involved.

The other Green councillors (Long, Molyneux, Wisely and Young) all register significant part-time paid employment alongside their council jobs which confirms the decision to designate backbench councillors' jobs as 'part-time' was the right decision.

Cllr Kim Long

Picture Not Available

GCC Register of Interests

1) Elected member, Glasgow City Council - £18,604
From 06/09/21: p/t employed by Patrick Harvie MSP as Community Engagement Manager

2) Member of Wild Goose Singing Collective; ad hoc album recording at Musician's Union rates
Ad hoc writing/speaking requests (HuffPo, Metro, National, Creative Dundee, Documentary Society)

3) Prior to 2019, community worker including Glasgow Women's Library, Vox Liminis, WEvolution, Campaign Bootcamp, Crossroads Youth & Community Association

Cllr Christy Mearns

Picture Not Available

GCC Register of Interests 

1) Elected member, Glasgow City Council - £31,331

Cllr Jon Molyneux

Picture Not Available

GCC Register of Interests

1) Constituency Assistant for Partick Harvie MSP - ended 31 March 2021

2) Elected member, Glasgow City Council - £18,604

3) Scottish Affairs Lead (0.6FTE) with FareShare UK commencing 19 April 2021

Cllr Martha Wadrop

Picture Not Available

1) Renfrewshire Environmental Trust - Sessional Worker
2) Senior Councillor - £26,753 wef 25 June 2021

Cllr Tanya Wisely

Picture Not Available

1) Name of Employer: International Development Education
Association Scotland (IDEAS)

Nature of Business:
A network of organisations and individuals across Scotland that actively support and promote development education and education for global citizenship. Members include NGOs, small organisations and individuals working in areas such as international development, global poverty, sustainable development, social justice and citizenship. They also include regionally based Development Education Centres who provide local practical teacher support.

Titles of positions held: I hold two part-time positions within this organisation
1. Coordinator of the network
2. Programme Director of the Global Learning Programme Scotland. This programme is managed by IDEAS in Scotland. It is part of a UK-wide programme funded by the UK Government (Department for International Development)
Employment ended 20 October 2017

2) Elected member, Glasgow City Council - £18,604

3) Started new post on 23 October 2017
Name of employer: Oxfam Scotland
Title of position held: Global Citizenship Education Adviser
Nature of business: Oxfam is an aid and development charity focused on fighting global poverty. Charity 0.6 fte. Ended 1 December 2020.

4) Glasgow University Research Associate, 0.5 fte. This is a tempoary (sic) contract. Ended 30 June 2021

5) Open University, 0.175 fte (7 hours per week)

Cllr Allan Young

Picture Not Available

1) Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, national charity, policy officer (part-time)
2) Healthcare Improvement Scotland, NHS, (secondment June 2018 - June 2019)
3) Poverty Truth Commission (Faith in Community Scotland), charity, Research and Development Worker (left June 2016)
4) Elected member, Glasgow City Council - £18,604

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