Studio SNP vs Studio Ghibli (Spirited Away 2)

The SNP have a fantastic imagination and way with words - when they say 'ring fenced' what they really mean is they can do what they like with people's money, even if it's been raised for a different and specific purpose.

Eat your heart out, Studio Ghibli! 


Spirited Away - Studio SNP (June 22, 2021)

Watch Spirited Away - Stream Movies | HBO Max

I had an interesting Twitter chat about the SNP's 'missing' £600,000 which seems to have been 'spirited away' - despite being ring-fenced and set aside for a specific purpose.

Reminded me of the great Studio Ghibli movie by Hiyao Miyazaki.


Raising The Same Money Twice (June 21, 2021)

Surely this long-winded 'explanation' is tantamount to the SNP admitting it needs to raise the same money twice because party leaders have already spent the first £600,000 - despite promising these funds were to be ring-fenced for a specific purpose?


SNP Finances - Clear As Mud (May 30, 2021)

So another elected official of the SNP resigns, this time the National Treasurer, over the lack of transparency in the party's accounts. 

Time for someone at the top of the SNP to 'come clean' and explain what's going. 


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