seems to have gone well yesterday relaxed very relaxed 👇 👇 — ronniemcgowan (@roketronnie) June 30, 2021 "Now where did I leave that poker?", was my first reaction. Another thought that struck me is why travel for an audience with the Queen - was this really 'essential business' or just another silly photo opportunity? First Minister of Silly Antics ( June 28, 2021 ) The business of polishing Nicola Sturgeon's image is a 24/7 operation - I wonder what silly antics we can look forward to ahead of tomorrow's England v Scotland match? Messiah Complex - Me, Me, Me, Me Me! ( June 16, 2021 ) Nicola Sturgeon seems to think these big sporting events are about her, the Scottish Government and/or the SNP. Mind you what another stroke of good fortune to have a snapper on hand to capture the moment for posterity! Lucky Snaps ( June 15, 2021 ) How fortunate there was a photographer passing at just the the right time ...