Glass Houses in Glasgow


People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, so they say, and that thought jumped into my head when I read Cllr Rhiannon Spear's comments on Twitter the other day.  

So I decided to drop a note to all Glasgow councillors to set the record straight: 

Dear Councillor

Fair Pay and Equal Pay in Glasgow

I noticed that one of your colleagues, Cllr Spear, had some things to say on Twitter the other day about public sector pay.

So I thought it only fair to point out that low paid council workers in Glasgow are still waiting on their long standing equal pay claims from 2018 being settled, as well as demanding a decent annual pay rise in 2021. 

As you know, many front-line council workers have kept essential services going throughout the Covid pandemic, along with their colleagues in the NHS. 

Kind regards

Mark Irvine


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