Glasgow - Equal Pay Update

I met with the GMB Scotland Secretary Gary Smith during the week to discuss the ongoing fight for equal pay in Glasgow City Council.

I'm pleased to say that we got on very well - I would say that Gary is a straight talker who is committed to doing the right thing by low paid workers in Glasgow and, very importantly, he is not associated with some of the strange decisions taken by the GMB and other unions in the past.

We saw 'eye to eye' on a range of issues including the need to respond vigorously, if senior council officials in Glasgow try to impose solutions which are not agreed with all of the claimant organisations.

So it's taken a while, but the wait has been worth it because there is no doubt that all of the claimant organisations - A4ES, the GMB and Unison - are now speaking with one voice which can only help in getting justice for the claimants and bringing this long-running dispute to a successful conclusion.


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