Freedom of Information

I have submitted a Freedom of Information (FoI) request to Scottish Ministers over a scheme the Scottish Government established five years ago to help councils in Scotland meet the cost of their outstanding equal pay claims. 

Now I've heard all sorts of things about what councils in Scotland have done to raise money to pay for equal pay including mortgaging off commercial premises from which councils get rent - Birmingham City Council did something similar recently with its National Exhibition Centre.

But why would a council enter into such an arrangement if the Scottish Government is willing to lend a helping hand?  

Maybe the Scottish Government would ask sensible questions of the councils involved, such as: "What is the council's total liability?" -"How did the council get into this position?" - "How will the council ensure that the same thing does not happen again?" - "Is anyone within the council being held responsible?" - or "Sure we can help, but the council will have to open its books so that Scottish Government can see exactly what has been going on?" 

Surely that would be a very responsible thing for the Scottish Government to do because the intention would be ensure that public money is properly spent. 

Derek Mackay
Minister for Local Government and Planning
Scottish Government

Dear Mr Mackay

FOISA Request 

I would like to make the following request under the Freedom of Information Scotland Act 2002.

Please confirm the names of all Scottish councils which have applied to the Scottish Government for extra 'borrowing consents' to meet the costs of their outstanding equal pay claims?

Please confirm the names of the councils which have made successful requests to date and the amounts of money involved in each case?

3 Please confirm if this facility is still available to Scottish councils in 2014 and the process to be followed in making such a request to the Scottish Government? 

I look forward to your reply and would be grateful if you could respond to me by e-mail to:
Kind regards

Mark Irvine

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