Anti-Semitic Drivel

I was searching the internet for some information on Hamas the other day and came across a web site claiming to be the 'voice' of Palestine or to give it its full name the Palestinian Information Center (PIC).

Now having trawled through the site quite extensively, I have to say it has more to do with propaganda than information than information and I was taken aback by a piece of virulent anti-Semitic drivel which purports to tell the history of Palestine pre-Islam, but which is really just an 'apologia' as to why the Muslims have a greater claim to these lands than the Children of Israel.

Now it all makes about as much sense, in these modern times, as people laying claim to large swathes of Scotland simply because their 'clan' or tribal ancestors used to rule the roost in a particular area, yet the PIC is supposed to be, I presume, a serious organisation which aims to help bring peace and understanding to Palestine and the wider Middle East .

I haven't reproduced the whole article which is very long, only the summary and conclusion, but you can read the 'full bhuna' if you're interested in a lot of stuff about the Old Testament prophets like Abraham and Moses and whatnot at:      

I imagine Jewish scholars and historians would take issue with much of what the PIC, but nonetheless it is depressing to read this kind of self-serving, sectarian nonsense.

The history of Palestine pre-Islam


The following summations can be derived from the previous text:

1. The Muslims have remained the inhabitants of Palestine up until the present.

2. God had promised to give the Holy Land to the Children of Israel when they were following the straight path of God and the prophets were their guides. However, when they changed their attitude and rejected and disbelieved in God, this right was rescinded.

3. Muslims are more entitled to the heritage of the prophets of the Children of Israel. The call for Islam by Muslims is a continuation of the call by the previous prophets. The truth to which the prophets had devoted themselves to realize is the same truth that the Muslims are devoted to realising.

4. The dominion of the Children of Israel had never, at any time, included the whole of Palestine as it is known in its current boundaries. The period of their domination with complete independence was so short in comparison with the history of Palestine. Even when they had two kingdoms, they were subordinates most of the time to other powers stronger than they were.

5. The self-rule that the Jews enjoyed after they had captured Babylonia was weak and restricted to the Jerusalem area and its suburbs. After that, they enjoyed a limited independence during the Maccabee epoch.

6. After their being dispersed throughout the world owing to their evil doing, the relation of the Jews with Palestine had discontinued, without interruption, for 1,900 years.

Finally, H.G. Wells said in his book, "Brief History of the Children of Israel's Experience in Palestine after the Babylonian Captivity", that "The life of Hebrews (in Palestine) was resembling the life of a man who insisted to settle in the middle of a crowded highway, so buses and trucks were continuously running over him … and from the start to the end, their (Kingdom) was just an emergency event in the history of Egypt, Syria, Assyria and Phoenicia, the history which was much greater than their history."

The well-known historian Gustav Lobon said about the Children of Israel when they settled in Palestine that "they did not borrow from the superior nations except for the meanest things of those civilizations, i.e., they did not borrow anything but infamies, harmful customs, debauchery and superstitions. They offered oblations to all Asian Gods. They offered more oblations to Ashtarout, B'al and Mouloukh than to the God of their own tribe, the frowning and spiteful Yahwa, in whom they had but every little trust."

He also said, "The Jews lived almost always in massive anarchy. Their history was just a story of abominations.… The history of the Jews from the aspect of civilization was null … (They) did not deserve to be considered among the civilized nations in any shape whatsoever". Gustav Lobon also said, "The Children of Israel remained, even under the reign of their kings, shedding and always embarked rashly in brutal fighting." He also said, "The psychological temper of the Jews always remained very close to the most primitive nations. The Jews were stubborn, were dupes and simpletons, were rude like beasts and acted like babies … You could not find a nation like the Jews who lacked the sense of artists."

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