Poetry Corner

The latest edition of Private Eye, the UK's best and only fortnightly satirical magazine, pays a fine tribute to the actor and producer Harold Ramis who died recently.


In Memoriam
Harold Ramis, actor,
producer, ghostbuster

So, Farewell
Then Harold Ramis

You were the
Third one in 
The film with
Dan Ackroyd and
Bill Murray

"I ai't afraid of
No Ghosts", 
That was your
Theme tune

And that's just 
As well because 
Now you're going
To meet a lot
Of them

E J Thribb (17 and a half)

So. Farewell
Then Harold Ramis

You were the 
Third one....
Whoop! It's 
Groundhog Day

Harold Ramis co-wrote and directed Groundhog Day, of course, which is one of my all time favourite movies.

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