Who Negotiated the Bonus Schemes?

The TUC kicked off today with an audio visual presentation - highlighting trade union achievements down the years - including the 1970 Equal Pay Act.

What the presentation failed to mention is that 40 years on - the trade unions are really not the progressive force they claim to be - because on many occasions the unions have actually been part of the problem.

The bonus schemes that ensured more favourable treatment for traditional male jobs - were not imposed by management - they were negotiated and agreed by the trade unions.

The 1999 Single Status Agreement was supposed to put an end to widespread pay discrimination amongst council workers in Scotland - but the trade unions sat back and did nothing about it for years - in fact they deliberately kept their women members in the dark.

Anyone notice the big, well resourced union campaigns - or strike action - in support of equal pay since 1999?

No, of course you didn't - that's because there were none.

The truth of the matter is that the unions let low paid women down over equal pay - but it's unlikely that you'll find any TUC delegates having the courage and honesty - to face up to that fact.

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